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Shaping EU Policy: ESOT’s Vision for Equitable Organ Transplantation

ESOT’s political mission: To eliminate inequalities in organ transplantation across Europe.

To achieve this, ESOT is calling on policymakers, health authorities and medical professionals to join forces in setting stronger objectives for equitable access and sustainability in organ transplantation.

Learn more about our vision for transforming the organ transplantation landscape between 2024 and 2029 by reading ESOT’s manifesto, which sets out our strategic roadmap to creating lasting change within the field.

To discuss how we can drive change together, please contact: Devi Mey, ESOT CEO, devi.mey@esot.org


ESOT’s Public Affairs Taskforce

Comprised of established ESOT members with extensive and diverse expertise in the field, our Public Affairs Taskforce is at the forefront of organ transplantation policy change. Led by Luciano Potena, the taskforce aims to raise awareness of the current inequalities in the field and act as a voice for organ transplantation policy matters across Europe.

The full Public Affairs Taskforce can be found below:

To explore collaboration opportunities, please contact:  Devi Mey, ESOT CEO, devi.mey@esot.org

Engaging National Transplant Societies​

ESOT has established over the last decade a close collaboration with the European National Transplant Societies aiming to serve their common goal: to advance the field of transplantation in Europe that will result in better quality of care for patients.

Our partners have the opportunity to collaborate in the fields of training, education, membership engagement and joint activities at the ESOT Congress as well as the National Transplant Congresses.

To discuss how you can work with our National Societies, please contact:

Devi Mey
Chief Executive Officer
+39 393 164 58 05
