From the Editor’s Desk: Renewed Vision, Continued Commitment

By Timothy Zubov


As I type out these words, the humbling weight of my position as the newly appointed Editor-in-Chief of The Equinox rests gently on my shoulders. Over the last three years, I’ve had the honor of being a part of this vibrant community, starting as a Staff Writer and learning the ropes under the guidance of our former Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Scalzo, and the wisdom of our esteemed faculty advisor, Professor Krochmal.

Looking back at the footprints of my predecessors, including Admir Durakovic and Armand Butera, their resilience, dedication, and passion for journalism remain the bedrock of what The Equinox stands for today. Their stories have inspired me, and their legacy will continue to motivate every decision I make in this chair.

Over the years, The Equinox has evolved in its voice, scope, and outreach, thanks to the relentless commitment of all its staff members. We’ve become more than just a paper – we’re a beacon of information and a platform for the voiceless.

In this spirit of growth, I pledge to carry forward our rich legacy of journalism. My vision for this year is rooted in innovation, inclusivity, and integrity. We aim to tackle the stories that matter the most to our FDU community, be it the latest on-campus developments, impactful local events, or significant global happenings. I promise to deliver news with truth and timeliness, giving priority to the perspectives of our diverse community members.

Our door remains ever open to those who wish to be a part of this journey. If you have a flair for writing, a keen eye for design, or the skill to capture moments through the lens, The Equinox welcomes you. Guided by a talented and passionate team, we assure you an enriching experience that not only hones your skills but also instills a sense of purpose and community.

As we unfold this new chapter, I sincerely seek your feedback and input. The strength of The Equinox lies in its community-driven content. So, if there’s a story you wish to be told, a concern you’d like addressed, or feedback on how we can better serve you, please don’t hesitate.

Connect with us at or message us on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok @equinoxfdu.

Together, let’s write stories that resonate, inform, and inspire.

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