Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Scientific and Artistic Board

Members of the Scientific and Artistic Board (SAB) are appointed by the Dean with the prior approval of the Academic Senate of the faculty. Members of the SAB are prominent representatives of the fields in which the faculty performs educational activities, engaging in scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative activities. At least one
one third of the members are persons from outside the TBU academic community. The maximum number of members is 23. SAB membership is non-transferable and members are appointed for a period of four years. The SAB is chaired by the Dean.

Among other things, the SAB approves the nomination of the chairmen and members of the state final examination boards, approves teaching exceptions for lecturers, assesses the criteria and results of the faculty’s internal evaluation, discusses the awarding of honorary degrees, medals and awards, and expresses its views on other issues brought to its attention by the Dean.

Faculties and departments
