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Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.
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Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
A lock ( ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

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').insertAfter(".two4"); if (!$(".nav-item").hasClass("resizedfrommoibletofull")) { $(".nav-item").click(function () { var link = $(this); $(this).find('.sub-nav').slideToggle('slow', function () { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $(this).parent().find('span.openclose').html(''); } else { $(this).parent().find('span.openclose').html(''); } $(this).closest(".nav-item").toggleClass('openedmenu'); $(this).closest(".nav-item").find('a:first').toggleClass('openedmenu-link-active'); }); }); } } else if ($(window).width() > 820) { $(".mobile-only").toggleClass("hide"); $('.sub-nav li').css({ "max-width": "400px" }); $(".mobile-menu").toggleClass("hide"); $(".openclose").hide(); // Splits the blog and news area on the home page for mobile // Changed nav:first to nav because there was a conflict with the Drupal admin menus at the top $("nav").accessibleMegaMenu({ /* prefix for generated unique id attributes, which are required to indicate aria-owns, aria-controls and aria-labelledby */ uuidPrefix: "accessible-megamenu", /* css class used to define the megamenu styling */ menuClass: "nav-menu", /* css class for a top-level navigation item in the megamenu */ topNavItemClass: "nav-item", /* css class for a megamenu panel */ panelClass: "sub-nav", /* css class for a group of items within a megamenu panel */ panelGroupClass: "sub-nav-group", /* css class for the hover state */ hoverClass: "hover", /* css class for the focus state */ focusClass: "focus", /* css class for the open state */ openClass: "open" }); } // this code is OK to be executed several times when the user resizes the window $(window).resize(function () { //This was causing the mobile view menu to not work so leave commented out $( ".main-nav" ).hide(); $('.col-sm-12').toggleClass('zindexminus1'); $('.col-sm-9').toggleClass('zindexminus1'); $('.col-sm-6').toggleClass('zindexminus1'); var win = $(this); //this = window if (win.width() <= 820) { console.log("mobile"); $('.nav-item').addClass("resizedtomobile"); $('.sub-nav li').css({ "width": "100%" }); $("div.sidebar_first").appendTo("div.mobile_sidebar_first"); $(".cross").hide(); // $( ".main-nav" ).hide(); $(".hamburger").show(); $(".searchbutton").show(); $(".openclose").show(); $(".site-search").insertAfter(".searchbutton"); $(".site-search").css('display', 'none'); $(".searchsitetext").css('display', 'none'); $(".searchbutton").click(function () { $(".site-search").toggleClass("show"); $(".site-search").toggleClass("site-search-mobile"); }); // $(".mobile-menu").toggleClass("hide"); } // Checks if the window is changed to more than 820 pixels then moves back the leftnav if (win.width() > 820) { $('.nav-item').addClass("resizedfrommoibletofull"); if ($(".nav-item").hasClass("resizedfrommoibletofull")) { $("div.sidebar_first").appendTo("div.body-row"); // console.log("resizedfrommoibletofull yes!!!!"); } } }); // This code gets executed after the time has stopped aka when the user has stopped resizing the window, if this is not present the open and close function repeats several times function doneResizing() { var win = $(this); //this = window if (win.width() <= 820) { $('.grants-logo').css({ "float": "none" }); $('.col-sm-12').toggleClass('zindexminus1'); $('.col-sm-9').toggleClass('zindexminus1'); $('.col-sm-6').toggleClass('zindexminus1'); $('.sub-nav li').css({ "width": "100%" }); $('.sub-nav li').css({ "max-width": "100%" }); //Destroy accessibility plugin on mobile $('.sub-nav').removeAttr('aria-expanded'); // Splits the blog and news area on the home page for mobile $(".two4-news").css('display', 'none'); $('
News article iconNews
').insertAfter(".two4"); // This code only gets executed if the user is on full screen then moves the window to mobile if ($(".nav-item").hasClass("resizedtomobile") && (!$(".nav-item").hasClass("alreadymobile")) && (!$(".nav-item").hasClass("resizedfrommoibletofull"))) { $(".nav-item").click(function () { var link = $(this); $(this).find('.sub-nav').slideToggle('slow', function () { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $(this).parent().find('span.openclose').html(''); } else { $(this).parent().find('span.openclose').html(''); } }); $(this).closest(".nav-item").toggleClass('openedmenu'); $(this).closest(".nav-item").find('a:first').toggleClass('openedmenu-link-active'); }); // $("div.sidebar_first").appendTo("div.body-row"); } } else { // Splits the blog and news area on the home page for mobile $(".two4-news2").appendTo(".two4"); $('.two4-news2').css({ "box-shadow": "none" }); $('.grants-logo').css({ "float": "left" }); $('.col-sm-12').removeClass('zindexminus1'); $('.col-sm-9').removeClass('zindexminus1'); $('.col-sm-6').removeClass('zindexminus1'); $(".site-search").appendTo("#searcharea"); // $('.nav-item').addClass("resizedfrommoibletofull"); $('.sub-nav li').css({ "max-width": "400px" }); $(".hamburger").hide(); $(".searchbutton").hide(); $('.site-search').css("display", "block"); $(".main-nav").show(); $(".openclose").hide(); $("div.sidebar_first").appendTo("div.revertback_sidebar_first"); $('.sub-nav').css("display", ""); // if( $('nav:first').data('plugin_accessibleMegaMenu') ){ //Restart the plugin // $('nav:first').data('plugin_accessibleMegaMenu').init(); // } else { $('.sub-nav').attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); $("nav").accessibleMegaMenu({ /* prefix for generated unique id attributes, which are required to indicate aria-owns, aria-controls and aria-labelledby */ uuidPrefix: "accessible-megamenu", /* css class used to define the megamenu styling */ menuClass: "nav-menu", /* css class for a top-level navigation item in the megamenu */ topNavItemClass: "nav-item", /* css class for a megamenu panel */ panelClass: "sub-nav", /* css class for a group of items within a megamenu panel */ panelGroupClass: "sub-nav-group", /* css class for the hover state */ hoverClass: "hover", /* css class for the focus state */ focusClass: "focus", /* css class for the open state */ openClass: "open" }); // } } } });

Strategic Management and Contracts Office (SMCO)


Implement leadership’s vision to align OER strategic planning, fiscal, and management activities:

  • Lead results-based accountability activities (RBA)
  • Integrate RBA and budget forecasting and execution activities
  • Maximize efficient use of funds within and across fiscal years
  • Ensure fiscal integrity
  • Provide administrative services.

Find efficiencies to reduce administrative burden and optimize workflows across OER business areas.


Implement the dynamic vision of OER that supports an effective, efficient, transparent, and accountable organization
Director: Marianna Mertts, PhD 


Administrative Team

The SMCO Administrative Team provides overall administrative management counsel and services to all of OER business areas. The Team serves as the primary point of contact in the execution of administrative services including: Human Capital Management with on-boarding/off-boarding; Property Management; Travel and Conference Management; Procurement; Time and Attendance and Facilities Management.

Budget and Contracts Team

The SMCO Budget and Contracts Team manages all financial and official contract actions for OER including tracking, analysis, and reporting under the OneOER budget model. The Team coordinates with multiple NIH offices on budget approvals and financial transactions, such as the OD Budget Office, Contracting Office, and Office of Financial Management, as well as collaborates with the OER Business Areas on executing approved budget items.
