Organizational Design

Change Management

Change surrounds us. We experience change at work, at home, in the community, and beyond. Changes are events—with specific dates—when one thing stops, and the another thing starts. They are situational and external to us. However, as humans, our emotional reactions to change do not have clear stop/start dates.

Our transition usually includes three distinct phases: the ending, the neutral zone, and a  new beginning.

Change begins with the loss of the way things have been, and progresses as we identify our thoughts and feelings while adapting to the new situation.

The tools and resources available here are designed to help individuals and leaders navigate the different emotions and reactions experienced during change.

Start Here

These tools and resources are designed to support individuals and leaders through any change journey.

For individuals, the tools are designed to help increase your ability to manage your personal transition to any change, whether it’s in the workplace, home, or elsewhere.

The leader toolkit is designed to support you as you navigate and lead your team through their transition. Not all of the tools may apply to you or your team because each transition is unique and begins with where you are today. Each toolkit is designed to be practical and tactical and includes online classes, activities, and more.

Change Management for Individuals

The tools and resources are designed to support you as you adapt to change as an individual. These tools and resources are applicable to any change you may experience—at home, at work, in your community, etc. These tools are designed to be practical and tactical and include online classes, activities, and more to help work through your personal transition.

Just-in-Time Training!

Tool Kit

Look, Listen, Learn!

Change Management for Leaders

As a leader, you must manage your own transition through change while leading your team through their change journey. These tools and resources are designed to support you as a leader as you adapt, on an individual level, to change. These tools are designed to be practical and tactical and include online classes, activities, and more to help work through transition at the individual leader level.

Just-in-Time Training!

Tool Kit

Look, Listen, Learn!

Change Management for Teams

These tools are designed to support leaders as you navigate your team through their change journey. They are practical and tactical and include online learning, individual and group activities, and more to support teams as they transition from the old to the new.

Just-in-Time Training!

Tool Kit

Look, Listen, Learn!

Targeted Support

You may feel you are successfully managing your overall change journey but would like additional support in a specific area related to change. These targeted tools focus on three key areas:

  • communication,
  • stress management, and
  • the virtual office.

Stress Management During Change

The tools and resources are designed to support you as you adapt to change as an individual. These tools and resources are applicable to any change you may experience—at home, at work, in your community, etc. These tools are designed to be practical and tactical and include online classes, activities, and more to help work through your personal transition.

Just-in-Time Training!

Tool Kit

Look, Listen, Learn!

Communication During Change

Communication during transition is more than simply information sharing. It is about making a connection, showing concern, and most importantly, building commitment to the change. These tools are designed to help leaders communicate effectively through change.

Just-in-Time Training!

Tool Kit

Look, Listen, Learn!

Virtual Office During Change

Working remotely presents a different set of challenges than working in an office with your team. These tools are designed to support both individuals and leaders as they adapt to a virtual workplace.

Just-in-Time Training!

Tool Kit

Look, Listen, Learn!
