IdP in the Cloud

Questions and answers


Who is the Idp in the Cloud service for?

Idp in the Cloud is the Identity as a Service service for the organizations in the GARR community, compliant with the specifications of the IDEM Federation and eduGAIN.

How do I activate the Idp in the Cloud service for my institution?

To activate the Idp in the Cloud service, contact the IDEM service at

Available Services

What services can I access with my Idp in the Cloud account?

Your Idp in the Cloud account gives you access to all federated resources in the IDEM Federation (IDEM Resources) and to all resources in the eduGAIN interfederation.

Please Note: Access to end users may be subject to the signing of agreements or contracts between the institution and the resource. To find out if an agreement has been signed for access to a specific resource contact the administrator of the Identity Provider of your institution. Check the page IDEM Identity Services for the list of contacts

Two Factor Authentication

How do I activate the second factor for my account?

The second factor (TOTP Code via APP or OTP Code via Email) can be enabled during the activation of your own account.

Can I activate the second factor later?

Of course, the second factor can be enabled within the management of your account. Just move to the page Account management and click on Actions and finally Second-Factor Authentication Request

NB: In order to activate the second factor 'OTP via email' it is necessary to provide a different email from the one used to access the service.

I can no longer access my authenticator app or my secondary email, what can i do?

If you no longer have access to your authenticator app or your secondary email, you can request your Admin IdP to delete the OTP code. After cancellation, the second factor via OTP Code can be enabled within the management of your account. Just move to the page Account management and click on Actions and finally Second-Factor Authentication Request

Can I request the activation of several types of second factor of authentication?

Of course, it is possible to request the activation of several types of second authentication factor, but you can only have an active second factorby typology.


Why did I receive an invitation to activate my Idp in the Cloud account?

An administrator of your institution has entered your data into the platform. If you are a researcher, the administrator received the data directly from the WorkFlow della Ricerca. If you’re a staff member of an institution, the administrator is the contact person for the Identity Provider of your institution.

Account activation

In order to activate your account, follow the link received in the activation message and proceed to the creation of a new password.
