IPU Berlin
Terms of Use Informed Consent

This page is the IPU Berlin Identity Provider (IdP). The IdP is used to securely log on to services, so-called Service Providers (SP), which are available via DFN-AAI. For this purpose, the IdP is connected to the IPU Berlin user directory. The DFN-AAI authentication and authorisation infrastructure is managed by the German National Research and Education Network (DFN). It enables the necessary security and organisational-technical framework for the exchange of user information between institutions (IdP) and service providers (SP) in the DFN-AAI. As part of the login procedure, the IdP first authenticates the user. As a rule, this occurs after the user inputs a username and password. The IPU Berlin IdP always verifies the login data. The login data will not be released to an SP. Following this, the specifications necessary for use of the SP (so called Attributes) will be communicated to the SP. These may be one's name, email address, or status within the IPU Berlin (student, employee, etc.).

In order to minimise the amount of data, many SP's only require SP-specific, lasting pseudonymous IDs instead of real names. In order to implement this, these IDs are generated and saved during the IdP login process and are. By selecting the check box under this text, you consent to having such information saved by the IdP. You may revoke this by contacting the IdP operator by email at it-support@ipu-berlin and stating your cancellation. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of data processing carried out up until the point of withdrawal.

More information on data protection can be found in the Privacy Policy.
