( ! ) Warning: gzinflate(): data error in /code/vendor/simplesamlphp/saml2/src/SAML2/HTTPRedirect.php on line 124
Call Stack
10.0010406944{main}( ).../SSOService.php:0
20.04212726224SimpleSAML\Module\saml\IdP\SAML2::receiveAuthnRequest( $idp = class SimpleSAML\IdP { private $id = 'saml2:https://idp.redclara.net/saml2/idp/metadata.php'; private $associationGroup = 'saml2:https://idp.redclara.net/saml2/idp/metadata.php'; private $config = class SimpleSAML\Configuration { private $configuration = [...]; private $location = 'saml20-idp-hosted/\'https://idp.redclara.net/saml2/idp/metadata.php\''; private $filename = NULL; private $deprecated_base_url_used = FALSE }; private $authSource = class SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple { protected $authSource = 'multi'; protected $app_config = class SimpleSAML\Configuration { ... }; protected $session = class SimpleSAML\Session { ... } } } ).../SSOService.php:26
30.04292809896SAML2\HTTPRedirect->receive( ).../SAML2.php:357
40.04302813464gzinflate( $data = '}’_Oƒ0\024Å¿\né(#ÀX3Hp‹ºd:2Ð\a_L2š@‹½eÓo/¦Î—½ÞŽ}ç\035\001m*Vĝn„´Lt1™ÔÂÈ8Ðà\016‰b)0 B6Œ\b\016‰Ò}-\bíšdU’K\\ÖHÈÀ˜\022œÊu”5Ì%L\035xŽ^Î{\000•\032w@°n\031\001TÝ(\0230JÊ\023Î*^%²fºr$\036\024-œo\023ԙ\033>”î\006<OÂW­)˜‘W”ÑSpM\a«­!ÌS¤¿qu\033*ņvÓ`7¥í¸Þµ=R֙™x^â\027ޓº~5·(æzÆ\0201퀍\005N-™NÌÚÌlåº_\020W"Î;†Ì¸’ŽË‚‹£­ÒI‚2\030汬ÊrÊÔÌ9º\000E+¡¨Z++²¯‹RßƑ¸cO»ßÑÃÕ,ÌV¸JìnIsÙØO.k}\031S_ÊZ³œ\fÑ\034âq[É\033' ).../HTTPRedirect.php:124
FIEL-RedCLARA | Onverwachte foutmelding

Onverwachte foutmelding

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