MUNI Unified Login

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I forgot the password.

If you do not know your password, it is possible to ask for it according to the instruction in the IS.

I forgot the UČO.

If you do not know your UČO, come to the Study or Personnel Department.

Error when trying to logging in.

If you are receiving an error message while logging in, please contact us via the contact form or an email Please provide the following in your email:

  • which UČO you are login with
  • which service you are login to (web link)
  • login problem time
  • what error message did you receive
  • what version of browser and operating system you have

Report an Incident

If you are unable to sign in to the portal, send an e-mail to with the following information:

          • which UČO you are signing in with,
          • which service you are signing in to (web link),
          • time when the problem occured,
          • the error message you recieved,
          • version of your browser and operating system you used.

You are running an old browser version. We recommend updating your browser to its latest version.
