Advanced Search : Annals of Medicine and Surgery

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"; var res = ele.replace(/[0-9]+/g, rand); var logicalOperator = ""; //""; res = logicalOperator + res; var finalres = startdivTag + res + enddivTag; return finalres; } // OnLoad Authors needs help message and do other Onload Stuff $("#asb-keywords div[id*='asb-keywords-row_']").each(function () { $('#numofUIaddedAlert').hide(); $('#emptySearchAlert').hide(); $("#noContentTypeSelectAlert").hide(); }); //do search by pressing Enter key $(".asb-inp") .keypress(function (e) { var ENTER_KEY = 13, keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyCode === ENTER_KEY) { $('[id$=_searchAgain]').click(); } }); });

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