Contents: Original Research

Home Cervical Ripening With Dinoprostone Gel in Nulliparous Women With Singleton Pregnancies

Stock, Sarah J. PhD; Taylor, Rebecca MBChB; Mairs, Rebecca MBChB; Azaghdani, Abdulhamid MBChB; Hor, Kahyee MBChB; Smith, Imogen MBChB; Dundas, Kirsty MBChB; Kissack, Chris MBChB; Norman, Jane E. MD; Denison, Fiona MD

Author Information
Obstetrics & Gynecology 124(2 PART 1):p 354-360, August 2014. | DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000394


To evaluate whether home cervical ripening is safe and results in shorter hospital stay.


This was a retrospective cohort study of women with singleton pregnancies having induction of labor for postmaturity at a single center between January 2007 and June 2010. Women were offered home cervical ripening with 1 mg dinoprostone gel if they were nulliparous, had uncomplicated singleton pregnancies, and the indication for induction was postmaturity.


Nine hundred seven of 1,536 (59.1%) nulliparous women having induction of labor for postmaturity were eligible for home cervical ripening. The median number of hours at home was 11.76 hours (range 0–24.82 hours). There were no cases of birth outside of the hospital, uterine rupture, or significant neonatal morbidity or neonatal death related to home cervical ripening. Eighty-five (5.5%) women who underwent hospital cervical ripening because of maternal preference or social issues formed a hospital cervical ripening comparison group. There was no significant difference in the total number of hours before delivery spent in the hospital between the two groups (26.25; 95% confidence interval [CI] 25.27–27.23 in home cervical ripening group compared with 24.28; 95% CI 22.5–26.0 in the hospital group; P=.26).


Clinical outcomes are comparable in nulliparous women who receive a single dose of dinoprostone gel for home cervical ripening compared with those who undergo hospital cervical ripening. However, preadmission home cervical ripening with 1 mg dinoprostone does not decrease the number of hours women spend in the hospital.



© 2014 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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