Affiliated Society : Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

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Affiliated Society

The mission of the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA) is to develop and promote nurses as leaders in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

The PCNA also provides opportunities for professional development, promotes public and political awareness of cardiovascular disease prevention and fosters support for research in cardiovascular disease prevention.

Sue Koob, MPA
Executive Director
Phone: 608-250-2440, ext. 3
[email protected]
Lisa Lanting, CMP
Meeting Planner
Phone: 608-250-2440, ext. 2
[email protected] 
Kristie Kasbohm
Membership Coordinator
Phone: 608-250-2440, ext. 1
[email protected]

Bonny Wolter
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 608-250-2440
[email protected]

PCNA Executive Board
Lynne Braun, ANP, PhD, CNP, CLS

Jane Nelson-Worel, MS, APRN-BC, APNP

Joanna Sikkema, MSN, ANP-BC
Immediate Past-President

Kathy Berra, MSN, ANP-BC
Cindy Lamendola, MSN, ANP-BC
Project Review Chair

Carol Mason, ARNP

Jerilyn Allen, RN, ScD

Board of Directors
Mary Ann Champagne, RN, MSN
Lola Coke, PhD, APRN-BC, CNS
Barbara Fletcher, RN, MN
Laura Hayman, PhD, RN
Suzanne Hughes, MSN, RN
Janet Long, MSN, ACNP
Nancy Houston Miller, RN, BSN
Joyce Ross, MSN, RN-C, CRNP, CS

Society Resources

  Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association 
613 Williamson Street
Suite 205
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-250-2440
Fax: 608-250-2410
[email protected]  
