Reviewer guidelines

Information for peer reviewers

The London Review of Education (LRE) is a fully open-access, peer-reviewed journal that provides a diversity of perspectives on all types, sectors and phases of education. It is free to read and free to write for; there are no article processing charges. The journal publishes contributions from across the world, with an editorial perspective inspired by London’s status as a global city. Founded in 2003 by the UCL Institute of Education (IOE), but independent from it, LRE maintains the Institute’s principled concern for social justice. We encourage interdisciplinary collaborations and international co-authorship.

LRE is a wide-ranging journal that features rigorous analysis and significant research using a variety of methodologies across key themes in education. For example, we cover but are not limited to: assessment; curriculum; educational improvement; equalities and human rights; institutional effectiveness; language, literacy and numeracy; lifelong learning; organization; pedagogy; public goals and policies; resources and technology; teacher education; widening participation. We particularly welcome articles that cross disciplines and interrogate links between research, policy and practice.

Your review

Please focus on the following points in your comments.

  1. Is the article relevant to LRE's aims and scope, as set out above?
  2. Does it offer an original contribution to the field? Is it breaking new ground? If so, how?
  3. Does it engage with recent scholarship?
  4. What are the strengths of its argument and analysis? Do you have suggestions for improvement?
  5. Is the overall style and presentation good? Do you have suggestions for improvement?
  6. Is the article’s length appropriate for what it has to say? Suggestions for shortening papers that extend over 8,000 words (excluding references) are welcome. 

Annotating the PDF file

You can annotate or mark-up your comments directly into the PDF file and upload this back into the reviewer form, alongside your general comments entered into the reviewer comments text box, should you wish to do so. Please note that when entering annotating a PDF file, your name may be recorded as the author of the comment. Please try to remove your name from the comments (typically by going into the files preferences/settings and clearing identifiable data). If you have any issues with this please contact the journal at
