Our vision


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Our vision is for Lancaster University to be a place where all our students can feel a sense of belonging and know that their students’ union is a positive force for change driven by their collective interests and welfare.


Looking towards 2021, we're developing a programme of activity designed to help overcome the challenges and barriers they face to feeling part of the students' union and the wider university community.


Our ultimate aim is for the union to have a positive impact on a broader and more diverse mix of Lancaster students.


With the future uncertain for a number of reasons, we've designed these plans to be flexible and agile enough to allow us to adapt to opportunities and challenges that may arise.


Everything we do aims to have students at its heart and is driven by six outcomes you've told us are important to you during your time at Lancaster. They are:


  • I feel I belong


  • I am actively involved in university life in Lancaster


  • Nothing holds me back from succeeding at university


  • I know I can go to our union for help and support


  • I feel I can make my voice heard through our SU and we’re a collective force for positive change


  • My uni experience is preparing me for my future


Find out more about our outcomes









Our values


Our values underpin everything we do and everything we believe in as a students’ union. They guide not only what we do, but how we do it.


Thousands of volunteers, hundreds of officers & representatives, and our staff power what we do and this is knitted together by a common sense of purpose and a culture which supports both understanding and success.


Our core values are:


  • Students at the heart of everything we do


  • Independence


  • Respect


  • Fun


  • Openness


  • Courage


  • Celebration


Discover the union's values


A massive thank you has to go to...


The thousands of our students who helped shape are plans for the future. Your voices were heard loudly and clearly.


To the people from ‘the outside’ who have acted as critical friends: Lizzie Bone, NUS Head of Strategy and Performance, Shanaaz Latif, National Council for Voluntary Organisations, Charlie Edwards, Lancashire County Councillor, Gina Connelly and UPSU and the other unions we spoke to, teams over at Alterline and Redbrick and Antony Blackshaw.


From the university in particular Professor Amanda Chetwynd and Tom Buckley Director of Recruitment, Admissions and International Development. We look forwards to working closely with colleagues across the university to deliver our plans.


And finally, to our officers, trustees and staff, thank you for putting in the thinking time, your ideas and doing the leg work. Here’s to an exciting future.
