Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Exception handling: is one exception type sufficient?

(This question is somewhat related to Exception handling: 'catch' without explicit 'try') Context I'm working on a new general-purpose programming language. Exception handling is ...

error-handling exceptions  
user avatar asked by Thomas Mueller Score of 6
user avatar answered by kaya3 Score of 18

What is the history of using dependent types to avoid array bound checks

Context For memory safe languages to be fast, array bounds should be checked during compilation. Some language like Java, Rust, Swift, and others eliminate array bounds checks when possible, but the ...

arrays history memory-safety dependent-types  
user avatar asked by Thomas Mueller Score of 4

Exception handling: 'catch' without explicit 'try'

(I was not aware of this site and asked, by mistake, a similar question on cs.stackexchange as well. It is related to this question on this site.) Context I'm working on a new general-purpose ...

error-handling exceptions  
user avatar asked by Thomas Mueller Score of 3
user avatar answered by MisterMiyagi Score of 7

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Are modern compilers passing parameters in registers instead of on the stack?

I'm reading Appel's book Modern Compiler Implementation in C. I just read the following statement in chapter 6, and I wonder if it is accurate. It says that on modern machines, the calling conventions ...

user avatar asked by Rob N Score of 11
user avatar answered by JennyJams Score of 25

Is it possible to make GC a library?

Motivation Garbage collection is a critical component of memory management in many programming languages. Many languages have built-in garbage collectors tightly integrated into their runtime ...

user avatar asked by Aster Score of 27
user avatar answered by JennyJams Score of 34

Are there any practical use cases for subtyping primitive types?

In, for example, Python, it is possible to subtype primitive types: ...

types overloading inheritance subtypes  
user avatar asked by Wheelwright Score of 14
user avatar answered by occipita Score of 17

Why is almost every programming language made in English?

Every programming language I know (Java, C++, C#, Python, etc.) are all made in English. That is, you can't, for example, type imprimir("hola") instead of ...

syntax language-design  
user avatar asked by Daemons Score of 41
user avatar answered by IMSoP Score of 30

Why is it so hard to evaluate functions with constant arguments at compile-time?

I noticed C23 has constexpr but only for variables, not for functions. While C++ does, this would allow a function to be defined in such a way that if the function ...

compilers constant-expressions  
user avatar asked by user1345541 Score of 22
user avatar answered by Alexis King Score of 33

Studies on learnability of braces vs. indentation for code blocks for beginners?

The discussion whether using indentation for code blocks is better or worse than using braces is an old one, but I don't want to rehash that discussion here (for reference, there was a fairly recent ...

syntax design-choice-comparison indentation  
user avatar asked by Schmuddi Score of 26
user avatar answered by Michael Homer Score of 24

"Testing" that something does not compile in metaprogramming

Use case Some languages offer techniques to ensure certain requirements at compile time. For example, rust has the NonZeroU32 type that will ensure at compile time ...

static-typing testing meta-programming  
user avatar asked by mousetail Score of 15
user avatar answered by tarzh Score of 16
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