
IT Usage Regulations

By entering the selected website and use the login form you accept the IT Usage Regulations: Regulations on the Use of the IT Infrastructure at the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP).

Privacy Information

In the Privacy Policy set out below, we, the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. - Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (for contact details, please refer to our Legal Notice), as the controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), explain which personal data we process when you visit our portal pages. We would like to point out that, by default, all data in connection with our portal pages are transmitted via an encrypted connections.

We reserve the right to adapt our Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that it always complies with the current legal requirements or to reflect changes in our services. We therefore recommend that you read our Privacy Policy on a regular basis to keep up to date with how we safeguard the personal data we process.

Logging and log files

A range of technical data is logged when our portal pages are accessed. This general data and information is stored in our server’s log files. We record in a log file your IP address, your username, specific attributes associated with your account, the date and time of your query, the time zone difference to GMT, the relevant portal page, the access status, the volume of data transmitted, the browser used, the language and version of the browser software, and your operating system. Your personal data is processed for the purpose of providing the portal pages, to validate and authorize your account, for troubleshooting, and for identifying misuse or fraud on the basis of our legitimate interest in accordance with the first sentence of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Log files are deleted after 90 days.

Use of cookies

The use of cookies is based on your consent to the processing of personal data concerning you in accordance with Section 25(1) of the Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) in conjunction with Article 4(11) GDPR, Article 7 GDPR and the first sentence of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. In accordance with the first sentence of Article 49(1)(a) GDPR, your declaration of consent shall also expressly include the possible worldwide transmission and processing of data by other International Companies. The data will be further processed and possibly transferred to non-EU third countries. For users, this may result in risks, for example, that your data may be processed by US authorities for control and monitoring purposes, possibly also without any means of redress.

Use of service providers to provide portal pages

To provide the portal pages, we use service providers that process personal data on our behalf or through which access to personal data cannot be ruled out. We have concluded processing contracts with all of these service providers in accordance with Article 28 GDPR.

Rights of the data subject

Data subjects may at any time request access to and rectification or erasure of personal data concerning them or restriction of processing, or they may object to processing. They also have the right to data portability. Furthermore, if data processing is carried out on the basis of consent, this can be withdrawn at any time for the future. To exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer at datenschutz[at] In addition, you have the right under Article 77 GDPR to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you have reason to believe that personal data concerning you is being processed unlawfully.

Categories of data processed

The categories of data processed include master data (e.g. names), contact data (e.g. email addresses), content data (e.g. text entries, usernames) and meta and communication data (e.g. device information and IP addresses).

Purpose and legal basis of processing

Data processing, insofar as it is subject to our responsibility, is carried out for the purposes of providing information and communication. The operation of the portal pages and legal basis of processing result from a legitimate interest in fulfilling a given contract with the user as a legitimate contract party in accordance with the Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, whereby the interest in each case is derived from the aforementioned purposes.

Storage period

The data categories processed by us are stored exclusively within the server providing the portal pages or on the central syslog server. Personal data is stored for a maximum of 90 days.
