Community Digest

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How to turn off the lights without getting out of bed?

I get into bed because I am tired. When I am tired, I don't like to get out of bed. That simple. This Rube Goldberg shows one simple way to shut the lights without getting out of bed: Is there a ...

bedroom light  
user avatar asked by Tot Zam Score of 10
user avatar answered by holroy Score of 9

How to quickly remove a splinter

Whenever I get a splinter, I have trouble getting it out. I pinch and pull at it. I bite it. I usually can't get it out for a while. When I can't get it out, it hurts to put pressure on the spot ...

personal-care comfort efficiency  
user avatar asked by michaelpri Score of 14
user avatar answered by Takkat Score of 13

How to remove blood stain from sneakers?

I haven't tried anything, because I have had the "faded blot" experience where the cleaner removes a little of the stain but makes the rest impossible to get off. Are there any products or tricks that ...

cleaning shoes  
user avatar asked by Dio Score of 5
user avatar answered by michaelpri Score of 3

How to counteract the burning sensation after eating spicy food?

Last month I bit into an unlabeled pepper that turned out to be a cayenne pepper. I spent the next two hours dunking my head into a sink full of water while my mouth burned, my eyes teared up, and my ...

food comfort  
user avatar asked by Nick Udell Score of 23
user avatar answered by Vogel612 Score of 32

How to light a candle without a lighter or a match

There are times when I need to light a candle, but I don't have a working lighter and I am out of matches. I need to create a makeshift match (or at least something to produce fire) so I can light the ...

home substitute-tool fire  
user avatar asked by michaelpri Score of 18
user avatar answered by subjectivist Score of 13

How to clean inside of straw

I have a plastic cup from a company I used to work at. I like this cup and it's very convenient for me to be able to drink water with the straw, so I use this very often. However, after longtime use, ...

cleaning kitchen  
user avatar asked by StanMarsh Score of 27
user avatar answered by michaelpri Score of 29

How can I reduce the sound of clicking my mouse

I have a wonderful mouse except... I'd like it to click more silently (left and right buttons). Probably it was that loud, probably it is the work of Time, but the current sound doesn't suit me now, ...

technology sound  
user avatar asked by nicael Score of 15
user avatar answered by Minnow Score of 12
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