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Journal of Population Economics

International Research on the Economics of Population, Household, and Human Resources

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The Journal of Population Economics is an international quarterly that publishes original theoretical and applied research in all areas of population economics.

Micro-level topics examine individual, household or family behavior, including household formation, marriage, divorce, fertility choices, education, labor supply, migration, health, risky behavior and aging. Macro-level investigations may address such issues as economic growth with exogenous or endogenous population evolution, population policy, savings and pensions, social security, housing, and health care.

The journal also features research into economic approaches to human biology, the relationship between population dynamics and public choice, and the impact of population on the distribution of income and wealth. Lastly, readers will find papers dealing with policy issues and development problems that are relevant to population issues.

The journal is published in collaboration with POP at UNU-MERIT and the Global Labor Organization (GLO).

Officially cited as: J Popul Econ

Journal of Population Economics is a highly cited and influential journal. Please see the metrics on this journal website as well as the

RePEc FACTOR: 19.688 (July 2023), Rank 309 of 5766
CiteScore: 9.2 (June 2023; for more details see Journal updates)
Journal Impact Factor: (2022): 6.1
5-Year Impact Factor: 5.0

  • Klaus F. Zimmermann
  • Xi Chen,
  • Shuaizhang Feng,
  • Alfonso Flores-Lagunes,
  • Oded Galor,
  • Terra McKinnish,
  • Milena Nikolova,
  • Grégory Ponthière,
  • Kompal Sinha
Impact factor
3.3 (2023)
5 year impact factor
4.1 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
7 days
501,579 (2023)

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Abstracted and indexed in
  1. ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide
  2. ANVUR
  3. Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List
  4. BFI List
  5. Baidu
  6. CAB Abstracts
  8. CNKI
  10. Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences
  11. Dimensions
  12. EBSCO
  13. ECONIS
  15. EconLit
  16. Google Scholar
  17. JSTOR
  18. Naver
  19. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  20. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  21. Portico
  22. ProQuest
  23. Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
  24. SCImago
  25. SCOPUS
  26. Social Science Citation Index
  27. TD Net Discovery Service
  28. UGC-CARE List (India)
  29. Wanfang
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