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PDB Exchange Dictionary (PDBx/mmCIF) Version 5.0 supporting the data files in the current PDB archive
The current version of PDB Exchange Data Dictionary
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DDL2 Dictionary
Dictionary Description Language Version 2 supporting mmCIF and PDB Exchange Dictionary (PDBx/mmCIF)
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PDB Exchange Dictionary (PDBx/mmCIF) Development Version
The development version of the PDB Exchange Dictionary
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wwPDB Validation Report Dictionary (PDBx/mmCIF)
The wwPDB validation report dictionary is an extension of the PDBx/mmCIF dictionary to support the public validation reports.
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PDB Exchange Dictionary (PDBx/mmCIF) V4.0 supporting the data files in the current PDB archive
A prior version of the PDB Exchange Data dictionary frozen at version 4.073
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IHMCIF extension dictionary
The IHMCIF dictionary is an extension of the PDBx/mmCIF dictionary. This dictionary is actively developed and maintained in a github repository available at Integrative structures that are compliant to this extension dictionary can be deposited to the PDB-Dev prototype deposition and archiving system (
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flrCIF extension dictionary
The flrCIF dictionary is an extension of the PDBx/mmCIF and IHMCIF dictionaries. This dictionary is actively developed and maintained in a github repository available at flrCIF provides the data representation for capturing the details of Fluorescence / FRET experiments. The restraints derived from these experiments can be combined with spatial restraints from other experiments to determine the structures of macromolecular assemblies using integrative modeling methods. The integrative structures are archived in the PDB-Dev prototype system (
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3DEM Extension Dictionary
Community extension data dictionary describing 3D EM structure and experimental data to be deposited in the EMDB and PDB archives.
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NMRSTAR Dictionary
PDBx/mmCIF translation of the NMRSTAR data dictionary developed by the BioMagResBank
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imgCIF/CBF Extension Dictionary
Extension to the mmCIF dictionary describing image data collection and compact binary representation of diffraction image data
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Small Angle Scattering Dictionary
Draft data definitions for small-angle scattering applications
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mmCIF Dictionary
Original IUCr mmCIF Dictionary
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ModelCIF Extension Dictionary
The ModelCIF dictionary is an extension of the PDBx/mmCIF dictionary. This resource is actively developed and maintained at the ModelCIF repository.

BIOSYNC Extension Dictionary
Extension to the mmCIF dictionary describing the features of synchrotron facilities and beamlines
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Symmetry Dictionary
Dictionary describing crystallographic symmetry operations
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NMR Exchange Format Dictionary
Draft data definitions for NMR exchange format definitions
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NDB NTC Dictionary
The NDB NTC dictionary is an extension of the PDBx/mmCIF dictionary for DNATCO conformer analysis of nucleic acids.
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