Free AI Website Builder for App

Make awesome websites with best app AI website builder.

Get Started with AI

Initiate the website creation process using our innovative AI technology. This advanced tool crafts website content, images, and layout tailored to your specifications. Subsequently, utilize the user-friendly app website builder to customize and refine the website according to your preferences.

Browse AI app templates

Begin designing your website with the app website builder by downloading Mobirise and choosing a website template from the extensive AI template library provided. Start your web creation journey effortlessly and bring your ideas to life with ease. Get started on your website project today and watch your vision come to fruition.
Web Development Framework
App Showcase
Software App Demo
Video Conferencing Platform
Mobile App
Creative Agency
Cyber Security
Programming Language Portal
Tech Company
Music App
It Consulting
Software Company
Data Analytics
Small Business Studio
Mobile App Demo
Web Chat Communication App
Mobile App
App Presentation
Small Business Website
SaaS Home
Web Saas App Demo
Saas Cloud
Gadget Site
Fitness App
Digital Startup
Product Presentation
Motion Studio
Digital Agency
Mobile App Demo
Development Сompany
Development Сompany
Web Saas App Demo
Web Saas App Demo
Web Saas App Demo
Join 2,500,000+ happy users!

Key features

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to build app layouts without coding.

Templates Library

Access to a wide range of pre-designed templates for quick app creation.

Real-Time Collaboration

Collaborate with team members in real-time for efficient app development.

Security Features

Incorporates robust security measures to protect app data and user information.

Customization Options

Offers extensive customization options to personalize app appearance and functionality.

Mobile Responsiveness

Ensures that the created apps are responsive and optimized for mobile devices.

Automatic Updates

Automatically updates app features to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

Support & Resources

Provides reliable customer support and comprehensive resources for users.

Analytics Integration

Integration with analytics tools to track app performance and user behavior.

How to build websites for app?

Plan Your Website

Define the purpose, target audience, and features of your app website.

Choose a Domain Name

Select a unique and relevant domain name for your app website.

Design Your Website

Create a visually appealing design that reflects your app's branding and style.

Develop Website Content

Craft engaging and informative content to showcase your app's features and benefits.

Optimize for SEO

Incorporate relevant keywords and meta tags to improve your app website's search engine visibility.

Test and Launch

Thoroughly test the website for functionality and errors before launching it live for users.

Create website in minutes with the app AI website builder!

Craft unique website pages by dragging pre-designed blocks, then seamlessly personalize the content to establish a polished and ready-to-go website effortlessly.

Best Website Builder for app

How to make website for free with Mobirise AI?

Download Mobirise App

Simply visit the Mobirise website and download the app for your operating system. Install the app on your device to start creating your website effortlessly.

Generate Website with Mobirise AI

Utilize Mobirise's AI-powered tools to generate a stunning website for your app by selecting a theme and providing basic information about your project.

Add More Blocks

Enhance your website by adding more blocks such as images, text, videos, contact forms, and links to create a dynamic and engaging user experience.

Edit Content

Customize the content on your website by editing text, images, colors, fonts, and other elements to reflect your app's branding and message accurately.


Preview your website to see how it looks on different devices and make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal display and functionality.


When you are satisfied with your website, simply publish it online with Mobirise's built-in tools to make it accessible to your target audience.

Edit locally, upload wherever

Distribute your website to a local drive, FTP, *, or link a custom domain. Avoid relying solely on one platform or service provider. Your website belongs to you - you retain full control over it.

Sample page structure of app website

  • Home Your starting point for the app, featuring updates and highlights
  • About Us Learn about the creators of the app and its mission
  • Features Explore the functionalities and capabilities of the app
  • FAQ Find answers to common questions about the app
  • Contact Get in touch with the app's support team or developers
  • Testimonials Read what users have to say about their experience with the app
  • Blog Discover articles, tips, and news related to the app and its industry
  • Pricing Check out the different subscription plans and pricing options
  • Terms of Service Understand the legal terms and conditions governing app usage
  • Privacy Policy Learn about how your data is handled and protected by the app

Best Free Website Builder for app

Mobirise is a user-friendly website builder tool designed to simplify app development. Its drag-and-drop interface allows users to create responsive websites without the need for coding knowledge. With a variety of templates and blocks to choose from, customization is made easy. The tool offers features for adding images, videos, forms, and other elements seamlessly. Its offline capabilities enable users to work on projects without an internet connection. Experience the convenience and efficiency of Mobirise by downloading it now through the buttons below.

Which Mobirise blocks to add to the app website?

    • 🎨 Color Palette Select customizable color schemes for your website easily.
    • 🖼️ Image Gallery Showcase your images in a beautiful and interactive gallery format.
    • 📱 Mobile App Section Highlight features and screens of your mobile app with a dedicated section.
    • 🔗 Social Media Links Integrate social media icons and links seamlessly into your website.
    • 📝 Testimonials Carousel Display customer testimonials in an engaging carousel format.
    • 📊 Statistics Counter Show off your key statistics and numbers in a visually appealing counter design.
    • 🕒 Countdown Timer Create urgency and excitement with a countdown timer for upcoming events or product launches.
    • 🎥 Video Background Add a dynamic touch to your website with video backgrounds on sections or pages.
    • 📧 Contact Form Allow visitors to easily reach out to you through a customizable contact form.
    • 📦 Package Pricing Present different service packages and their pricing in a clear and structured layout.

What websites can be made with Mobirise?

    • Platform A website where users can buy/sell products and services, similar to an online marketplace.
    • Tool A website offering various tools and utilities for specific tasks, like a productivity hub.
    • Solution A website providing solutions to common problems or offering expert advice and guidance.
    • Portal A website that serves as a gateway to different resources, information, and services.
    • Network A website connecting users with similar interests or professions for networking and collaboration.
    • Hub A website centralizing information, news updates, and resources on a specific topic or niche.
    • Service A website offering various services such as booking appointments, reservations, or consultations.
    • Community A website where people can interact, share experiences, and support each other within a specific community.
    • Directory A website listing and categorizing businesses, places, or professionals for easy search and access.
    • Marketplace A website facilitating buying and selling goods and services through various vendors and sellers.
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Choosing the right website builder for app

  • Mobirise An intuitive website builder with mobile-responsive designs, offering various app-related themes and customization options. Great alternative for those seeking a user-friendly interface.
  • Wix A popular builder known for its drag-and-drop functionality, Wix provides app-specific templates and integrations for seamless app showcasing on websites.
  • Squarespace With its sleek and modern templates, Squarespace is a great choice for app developers looking to create a visually stunning website for their apps.
  • Weebly Weebly offers easy-to-use features and app-related templates, making it a suitable option for those wanting a simple yet professional-looking website for their app.
  • WordPress Known for its flexibility, WordPress allows for extensive customization and offers numerous plugins and themes tailored for showcasing apps effectively.
  • Shopify Primarily an e-commerce platform, Shopify also offers website building capabilities with app-specific themes and features for developers looking to sell their apps online.
  • Webflow A powerful builder with advanced design capabilities, Webflow is ideal for app developers wanting complete control over the look and feel of their website.

Edit code of Mobirise blocks

Experience the capabilities of the Edit Code functionality provided by the Code Editor extension by incorporating personal scripts and refining CSS elements to suit your specific preferences.


How easy is it to use the app website builder?

The app website builder is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for users of all skill levels.

Can I integrate Mobirise into the app website builder?

Yes, you can easily integrate Mobirise into the app website builder for enhanced functionality.

Are there templates available in the app website builder?

Yes, the app website builder offers a variety of templates to choose from for different types of websites.

Is the app website builder mobile-responsive?

Yes, the app website builder ensures that websites created are fully mobile-responsive for all devices.

Can I customize the design using the app website builder?

Yes, you have the flexibility to customize the design and layout of your website using the app website builder.

Is customer support offered for the app website builder?

Yes, the app website builder provides customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they may have.

User Reviews about app website builders

  • Effortlessly Dynamic Website - Liam G.

    Creating a website with the AI app website builder was a delightful experience. The ease of use and the vast array of design options made it an obvious choice for me. Initially, I was skeptical about using an AI tool, but the step-by-step guidance provided by the builder made the process seamless. I encountered no major challenges, and the final result exceeded my expectations in terms of design and functionality.

  • Smooth and Intuitive Design Journey - Sophia M.

    Choosing this website builder was a no-brainer for me due to its user-friendly interface. However, I did have some questions regarding customization options and SEO features along the way. Despite these concerns, the process was relatively smooth, and I was able to achieve a sleek and professional website for my business.

  • Seamless Creation Process with Mobirise - Oliver P.

    Opting for the Mobirise builder was driven by its reputation for app-like features. While using the builder, I had questions about integrating third-party plugins and optimizing site speed. The overall process was efficient, and with Mobirise's app-focused functionalities, I managed to create a visually appealing website that loads quickly.

  • Dynamic Design Exploration Journey - Ava L.

    Exploring design possibilities with the website builder was a rewarding experience. However, I encountered some challenges when trying to implement complex animations and interactive elements. Despite these hurdles, the builder's app-centric features allowed me to achieve an engaging and interactive website for my portfolio.

  • Intuitive and Feature-Packed Builder - Noah W.

    Selecting this website builder was based on its reputation for offering a wide range of app features. Throughout the process, questions arose regarding e-commerce integration and mobile responsiveness. Despite these minor setbacks, the builder's app-centric approach enabled me to create a feature-rich website that caters to my business needs.

  • Empowering Website Creation Journey with Mobirise - Mia F.

    The decision to use Mobirise as the website builder stemmed from its advanced app functionalities. During the creation process, I faced challenges in understanding advanced SEO settings and implementing custom CSS codes. Nevertheless, with Mobirise's app features, I successfully built a visually captivating website that stands out in my industry.

  • Visual Appeal Made Easy - Ethan H.

    The choice of this builder was influenced by its promise of effortless design customization. While using the builder, questions emerged regarding image optimization and user experience enhancements. Despite these queries, the builder's app-oriented capabilities enabled me to craft a visually appealing website that resonates with my audience.

  • Dynamic and Functional Design Exploration - Isabella S.

    Opting for this builder was driven by its innovative app features. Throughout the process, I encountered challenges in integrating custom scripts and ensuring cross-browser compatibility. Nevertheless, leveraging the app-focused functionalities, I successfully achieved a dynamic and functional website that meets the needs of my project.

  • Impressive Features with Room for Improvement - Grace S.

    Pros: The website builder for apps offers a wide range of customizable templates and user-friendly interface, making it easy for beginners to create their apps. The drag-and-drop feature simplifies the design process, and the customer support is responsive and helpful.

    Cons: While the basic features are excellent, the advanced customization options are limited. Some users may find the pricing slightly on the higher side compared to other similar platforms. Improving integration options for third-party services would enhance the overall functionality.

  • Sleek Design but Navigation can be Tricky - Jonathan M.

    Pros: The website builder for apps provides sleek and modern design options that give apps a professional look. The platform offers seamless mobile responsiveness, ensuring apps look great on any device. The analytics tools help users track app performance effectively.

    Cons: Navigating through the different features and settings can be confusing for new users, requiring a learning curve. The help documentation could be more detailed to assist users in troubleshooting common issues. Enhancing the collaboration features for team projects would be beneficial for businesses using the platform.

Create free app website with AI!

Embark on the journey of crafting visually stunning and high-performing websites effortlessly. No coding knowledge needed – just intuitively drag and drop! Access a myriad of site blocks to customize your site to perfection. Completely free for all purposes. Instantly download the tool at no cost and revolutionize your web design experience.

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