New BLAST results for specialized searches now available for testing

As you probably know,  BLAST has been offering a new results page as an option for standard BLAST for you to test and provide feedback since April. See our post from earlier this spring for more details. We have just added new results pages (Figure 1) for the following four specialized BLAST services for you to test.

  4. Align two or more sequences

New_Results_PSIFigure 1. The New BLAST Results for PSI-BLAST showing highlighting of new results for the current iteration and PSI-BLAST settings and controls as well as filters directly on the page and a more concise tabbed output that includes the taxonomy report. 

We have already made several changes to the new results pages based on your feedback and are looking into implementing 17 new features that you requested in future releases. We will continue to incorporate your feedback into these pages, so please test out the new results with the specialized services and let us know what you think.

Overall,  96% of you who have tried the new results page have kept it as your default view.  We are planning to make the new results the default everyone on August 1, 2019.

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