Tag: Foreign Contamination Screen (FCS) Tool

Cleaner BLAST Databases for More Accurate Results

Cleaner BLAST Databases for More Accurate Results

Removing contaminated sequences using NCBI quality assurance tools 

Do you use BLAST to identify a sequence or the evolutionary scope of a gene? That can be challenging if contaminated and misclassified sequences are in the BLAST databases and show up in your search results. To address this problem, we now use the NCBI quality assurance tools listed below to systematically remove these misleading sequences from the default nucleotide (nt) and protein (nr) BLAST databases.  Continue reading “Cleaner BLAST Databases for More Accurate Results”

Foreign Contamination Screen Tool: Now Available in Galaxy!

Foreign Contamination Screen Tool: Now Available in Galaxy!

Check out our latest enhancements 

Do you submit genome assembly data to GenBank? If so, try out NCBI’s Foreign Contamination Screen (FCS) tool, a quality assurance process that you can run yourself. We will screen all prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome submissions to GenBank with this tool, but we encourage you to screen your data before submitting to save time. FCS offers sensitive contaminant detection to increase the quality of your genome submissions to GenBank. As part of our ongoing effort to improve your experience, we recently made several enhancements.  Continue reading “Foreign Contamination Screen Tool: Now Available in Galaxy!”