How Are Schools and Departments Assigned to NIH Grants?

April 9, 2021

For decades, NIH has collected and curated information on the schools and departments associated with the grants awarded to domestic higher education academic institutions to provide statistics on the fields contributing to advances in biomedical research. This information appears in NIH RePORTER (Figure 1), NIH Awards by Location and Organization, and other reports issued by NIH. To facilitate uniform reporting, NIH aligns the schools and department names used by institutions to standard lists of school types and department types.

Keeping on Top of NIH-Funded Research You Care the Most About Just Got Easier

February 16, 2021

Last fall, we launched our newly revamped RePORTER site which made it easy to find information about specific NIH supported grants, investigators, and institutions. Today, we are adding to RePORTER’s functionality with a modernized version of MyRePORTER so you can stay on top of the research you care the most about.

With MyRePORTER, you can save searches and set customized weekly email alerts that are sent when new projects are funded or new publications are linked to projects in your search. Email alerts will provide a summary listing of the new items, with hyperlinks to bring you back to MyRePORTER to get more information about the projects and publications.

Welcome the New RePORT and RePORTER Tools!

October 13, 2020

Ten years ago, NIH launched the RePORT (Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools) website to serve as a one-stop shop for reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities. Well, drum roll please, a new and modernized RePORT site as well as a faster and easier to use NIH RePORTER have now arrived. The updated RePORT site strives to meet the needs of today’s users based on feedback received over the years. It is easier, simpler, and quicker to access the same information you have come to rely upon.

New “All About Grants” Podcast on Using RePORT Web Tools Throughout the Grants Process

March 18, 2019

You probably know the NIH RePORT suite of tools as a useful hub of information where you can find reports, data, and analyses of NIH-funded research and answers to the most commonly asked questions on the NIH budget and extramural research programs. But do you know RePORT can be a helpful tool as you are developing your grant application?