Staying Safe

Our health is our biggest value, that is why, when it comes to any issues related to it, it is highly advisable to take special precautions. Here are safety tips from our experts. Please, stick to them in order to avoid risks associated with buying medicines online.

How to Choose a Reliable Pharmacy

  • Avoid using new websites that have been recently opened. They may turn out to be trustworthy enough, but you cannot say that for sure, since there is not so much information about them so far.
  • Be sure to check the reputation of the platform chosen. Have a look at the comments left by customers both on the website itself and on popular feedback platforms. In case there are no reviews at all, that’s a suspicious sign. There is a good chance that they have been deleted on purpose by the representatives of the company in order to hide some serious deficiencies. There should be both positive and negative reviews, since there are always clients that are not completely satisfied with their shopping experience.
  • Make sure there is some contact information on the website. If you cannot contact the company, there is a high risk that you will face a whole bunch of problems after you place an order. Conscientious entrepreneurs are not likely to hide from their clients.
  • Use the platforms that offer free consultations with professional pharmacists 24/7. There is a risk that you will need additional information about the medication you take in an extra hurry or will face some side effects or other related problems.
  • Keep in mind that safe and effective medicines cannot be too cheap. While searching for a suitable online drugstore, you are likely to see some websites offering huge discounts that do not seem to be reasonable. In most cases they distribute counterfeit medicines made of chalk that contain no active ingredients and produce no effect. But some of them sell dangerous products that can cause serious health problems. So, if you see that prices at some pharmacies are dramatically lower than at others, avoid using such services.
  • In case you want to avoid safety risks associated with purchasing medications from the Internet, turn to My Canadian Pharmacy. We guarantee the top quality of our goods and the security of your payments and personal information.

How to Take Medicines Safely

  • Before buying any prescription medicines, be sure to visit your physician. Even if you are not required to send a prescription to a pharmacy, it is crucial to get it. Your doctor is the only person who has access to the comprehensive information about your health. Sure, at our pharmacy, we offer free consultations with experienced specialists who can give you a good piece of advice. Still, we recommend our users to visit their doctors before placing an order to avoid unnecessary risks.
  • In case you cannot find the drug prescribed, contact our support team. They will make sure you get the product you need.
  • If you want to try a generic, search by an active ingredient. In case you do not know the name of the necessary active ingredient or cannot choose the dosage, feel free to contact our pharmacists. They will help you to deal with that within a couple of minutes.
  • Before starting to take a medication, scrutinize the instruction and the information about drug interactions, side effects and precautions that should be taken.
  • If you feel any unpleasant symptoms after you take a medicine, be sure to contact our pharmacist within the shortest possible period of time. We are here for you 24/7.
  • Make sure your children do not have access to medications. Even in case medicines are bought for kids, they should be stored in a safe and locked place outside of their rooms.
  • There are many health problems that can be easily prevented. So, be sure to make use of screenings and vaccinations. And, in case you experience the problems that require monitoring, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, use special devices on a regular basis. You can find everything needed for such preventing measures at our pharmacy.

As you can see, our safety recommendations are easy to follow. Stick to them, and that will help you to avoid most of the risks associated with online shopping and drug treatment.
