Regionales Hochschulrechenzentrum Kaiserslautern-Landau


Password change

On this page you can change your password for your RHRK account.
  • Please take note of our password policy
  • Did you forget your password?
  • Students please note: The flield "RHRK User name" requires your account name, not your matriculation number.
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Password change

Please wait...
Invalid username.
Wrong username or current password. Did you forget your password?
Your new password must not match your old password.
Your account hasn't been activated yet.
More on that...
This account is currently locked.
Please contact our support.
The new password must not match the PUK or be similar to it.
Password policy mismatch.
Passwords mismatch.
very insecure
secure (overkill)
– Internal error –

Due to an error, the system is unable to recognize if your password change request has been processed successfully.

Please contact our support.

It is essential to provide the following information (thank you):
Job received, waiting for processing...
Processing your request...
Password successfully changed.
We are sorry, something went wrong...
Your account hasn't been activated yet.
This account is currently locked.
HTTP/AJAX connection problem.

Please check your internet connection and/or reload the page (i.e. press F5).
Internal error: Database query failed.
Duplicate or invalid request.

The process of changing your password has already been completed. If you intend to change your password again, please reload the page (click here).

The new password may already be enabled.