Patent protection per country - Ask Patents most recent 30 from 2024-07-16T10:41:20Z 1 Patent protection per country TimCro 2017-10-31T13:17:09Z 2017-11-08T01:26:42Z <p>If I provisionally patent an invention in 1 country(USA) and then develop and take to market in that country and others, before patenting within 1 year, can someone copy the invention and take it to market in another country without worrying about any consequences of infringement? </p> 2 Answer by DukeZhou for Patent protection per country DukeZhou 2017-10-31T20:22:34Z 2017-11-08T01:26:42Z <ol> <li><p>The provisional patent shouldn't become a part of the public domain unless you publish it (at least for the USPTO, provisional applications are not published, and non-provisional applications are not published until ~18 months after the initial submission, which includes the provisional.) </p></li> <li><p>Provisional applications and pre-grant nonprovisionals only confer the "Patent Pending" status. Violating a patent pending is not technically infringement b/c the patent may not receive a grant. However, if the application does receive a grant, and the "patent pending" was listed along with the description or product of the invention, it does become infringement and damages may be sought retroactively under certain circumstances. </p></li> </ol> <p>Note: You will have to file a non-provisional application in each region or country you plan to seek protection. You won't have protection in regions where you don't file an application. </p> -