Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? - Physics Stack Exchange most recent 30 from physics.stackexchange.com 2024-07-07T18:27:55Z https://physics.stackexchange.com/feeds/question/820184?session=7a7df21dd0a570152be2d96f753d4e40 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf https://physics.stackexchange.com/q/820184 6 Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? Lagrangiano https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/354667 2024-07-01T21:17:30Z 2024-07-04T19:58:56Z <p>I have done the math and I have obtained the hydrostatic pressure in a star is lower at the outermost layer of a star than in its center, where the pressure is actually maximum. Although the equations tell me this is right, I can't provide an intuitive explanation as to why this happens. Considering the only force keeping the star together is gravitational in nature, then shouldn't pressure be null in the center, where there is no mass to exert any force in nearby layers, and maximum in the outermost layer, where there is the most mass enclosed?</p> https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/820184/-/820186#820186 17 Answer by Anders Sandberg for Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? Anders Sandberg https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/165299 2024-07-01T21:30:55Z 2024-07-01T21:30:55Z <p>There is a lot of mass above the centre, pushing down on it. On the surface there is no mass above. Hence you get high pressure at the centre and zero at the surface.</p> https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/820184/-/820211#820211 7 Answer by niels nielsen for Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? niels nielsen https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/40292 2024-07-02T02:17:15Z 2024-07-02T02:17:15Z <p>This is an exercise in <em>hydrostatics</em>. Imagine the sun consisting of a sphere of water. The deeper you go beneath the surface, the more water weight you have bearing down on you from above, and the inability of a liquid like water to support static shear stresses means that that weight gets translated into <em>pressure</em> acting on the surface area of an object immersed in it.</p> <p>At the surface, the depth equals zero and the hydrostatic pressure is likewise zero.</p> https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/820184/-/820218#820218 6 Answer by C.M.O.B. for Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? C.M.O.B. https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/389275 2024-07-02T04:21:19Z 2024-07-04T01:43:57Z <p>Perhaps the confusion in the question arises because you are thinking of a rigid spherical shell of constant density, and you know that inside such a shell the gravitational field is zero?</p> <p>A ball of gas is not rigid (and on planetary scales, neither is a ball of rock, as pointed out by Peter in the comments). Therefore, the inner layers must be at sufficiently high pressure to prevent the outer layers from collapsing in. Your statement that &quot;the only force keeping the star together is gravitational in nature&quot; is a bit misleading, because the structure of the star is determined both by gravitational forces and the forces due to pressure.</p> https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/820184/-/820219#820219 4 Answer by RC_23 for Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? RC_23 https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/313823 2024-07-02T04:36:12Z 2024-07-04T19:58:56Z <p>I believe you are confusing &quot;force of gravity&quot; with &quot;pressure.&quot; The gravitational pull (or local acceleration <span class="math-container">$g$</span>) is indeed zero at the center of the Sun, and a maximum elsewhere in the Sun (wherever <span class="math-container">$GM/r$</span> is greatest, depending on the radial distrubution of matter in the Sun).</p> <p>If you had an indestructible suit and traveled to the Sun, you would fall and sink through the plasma before coming to rest in the center, and float with no net gravity. This is the same as what would happen on Earth.</p> <p>But the pressure <span class="math-container">$P$</span> at any point is the summation of all the gravity <span class="math-container">$g$</span> and density <span class="math-container">$\rho$</span> for all regions <em>above</em> that point. To say it mathematically:</p> <p><span class="math-container">$$P(r) = \int^{R}_r \rho g ~dr$$</span></p> <p>where <span class="math-container">$R$</span> is the (surface) radius of the Sun.</p> <p>If we set <span class="math-container">$r=R$</span> (at the surface), then the integral goes from <span class="math-container">$\int_R^R$</span>, or zero distance, and so <span class="math-container">$P(R)=0$</span>, whereas at the center, <span class="math-container">$r=0$</span> so the integral goes from <span class="math-container">$\int_0^R$</span>, and <span class="math-container">$P(0)$</span> is at a maximum.</p> https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/820184/-/820225#820225 36 Answer by Flater for Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? Flater https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/46516 2024-07-02T05:48:43Z 2024-07-02T05:48:43Z <blockquote> <p>Considering the only force keeping the star together is gravitational in nature,</p> </blockquote> <p>Gravity is also what's keeping our oceans stuck to the Earth's surface. Where's the pressure at its highest, near sea level or at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?</p> <p>You're only thinking of how the matter at the center of the star does not experience gravity in and of itself. This part is correct, but it does not provide a full picture.</p> <p>What's you're forgetting about is that this central matter has a bunch of other matter stacked on top of it, which does have weight and exerts its weight on that central matter.<br /> Ignore fluid/gas dynamics for what I just said. Even if matter moves around in the star, whatever matter is <em>currently</em> at the center is going to be &quot;carrying&quot; all the matter further away from the center. That &quot;carry weight&quot; is what's causing the increased pressure.</p> <p>In a way, you're asking why the bottom people in a human pyramid carry more weight than the person at the top of the pyramid. The key difference is between <em>having</em> weight and <em>carrying</em> it. Pressure is derived from the latter, not the former.</p> https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/820184/-/820482#820482 0 Answer by KDP for Why is pressure in the outermost layer of a star lower than at its center? KDP https://physics.stackexchange.com/users/388464 2024-07-04T14:52:39Z 2024-07-04T15:06:28Z <p>Imagine you are sandwiched between two moon like objects each with mass M. The forces acting on you is <span class="math-container">$$F_{centre} = \frac{2 \times G\times M\times M}{D^2}$$</span> where D is the distance from the centre of one moon to the other. The pressure exerted on you would be very large. Your mass is not even in the equation because in this context it is negligible. This is an extremely crude approximation of being at the centre of a larger moon. If on the other hand you were on the surface of the moon with a combined mass of the original two moons, the force acting on you due the surface gravity of the moon is given by <span class="math-container">$$F_{surface} =\frac{2^{4/3} \times M\times m}{D^2}$$</span>. This force is much less because <span class="math-container">$m&lt;&lt;M$</span>.</p> <p>More intuitively, imagine a hole that is dug to the centre of the Earth. If you were placed at that bottom of that hole and all the removed rubble was replaced on top of you, you would be feeling a lot more pressure than if you were standing on top the replaced rubble. Or on the surface of the Earth, would you be better off standing on top of a one tonne block of concrete or have the block of concrete placed on top of you?</p> -