Platform Overview

GPP develops technologies for perturbing genes and assists collaborators in experimental planning and execution by helping choose the best model system and experimental readout to assess the effects of genetic perturbation. Technologies applied at scale include CRISPR knockout, activation, interference, and base editing; RNAi; and open reading frame overexpression.


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Search by Clone

Design Tools

CRISPick (GPP sgRNA Designer)
Design sgRNA sequences for CRISPRko/a/i targets
Fragmid (GPP Modular Vector Designer) (NEW)
Design modular plasmid vectors by combining components
Design Hairpins for a Target Transcript Sequence (RNAi)
Generate matching shRNA designs for a transcript sequence

Informational Resources and Downloads

Protocols including clone, DNA, and virus production
Library Resources
Clone inventory downloads
Pooled Screening File Downloads
For file downloads for analysis of pooled screens, see our Clone Pool section.

Analysis Tools

Pooled Screen Analysis Guide
Guidance on reading PoolQ files, assessing screen quality and hit calling
Pooled Screening File Downloads
For file downloads for analysis of pooled screens, see our Clone Pool section.
Pooled Screen Analysis Tool
Hypergeometric or Negative Binomial Analysis
Software Tool Downloads
Software tools and related resources for screen analysis


Available Libraries
Description of available clone pools with provided analysis downloads
Description of vectors, maps and sequences


Frequently Asked Questions