The Reactome Pathway Diagram Viewer provides an intuitive means of viewing and interacting with pathway diagrams. Pathway diagrams represent the steps of a pathway as a series of interconnected molecular events, known in Reactome as ‘reactions’.

More Info

Reactome is a curated database of pathways and reactions (pathway steps) in human biology. The Reactome definition of a ‘reaction’ includes many events in biology that are changes in state, such as binding, activation, translocation and degradation, in addition to classical biochemical reactions. Information in the database is authored by expert biologist researchers, maintained by Reactome editorial staff, and extensively cross-referenced to other resources e.g. NCBI, Ensembl, UniProt, UCSC Genome Browser, HapMap, KEGG (Gene and Compound), ChEBI, PubMed and GO. Inferred orthologous reactions are available for a number of non-human species including mouse, rat, chicken, puffer fish, worm, fly, yeast, rice and Arabidopsis.

The diagram viewer retrieves the information directly from Reactome server, which mean that for third party resources it will be straight forward to include it in browser supporting CORS, or it will just work by adding a proxy mechanism in order to avoid SOP. Another important feature of the diagram viewer that can also be used from third party applications is the analysis result overlay. If you are interested in learning more about Reactome’s Analysis Service, please check out the Analysis Service developers’ guide and later on have a look to the Diagram viewer API.


Get Started

Currently, there are two options for integrating Reactome’s pathway diagrams in your web application. The first is to use our DiagramJs widget, while the second option involves using our GWT implementation.


Whether you are a JavaScript or GWT developer, we have a tool that will suit you. Check out your option:

