University of Florida word mark
Targeting RNA
Chemist Matthew Disney is leading a revolution in drug discovery
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Leprosy is here
A UF team puts science over stigma to stop the spread of Hansen's disease in Florida and beyond
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Musical Marvel
Hollywood has taken notice of this engineer-turned-composer's AI-infused art
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Unpacking Hoarding
New hope for a disorder that's about more than too much stuff
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Making a Difference

Research at UF plays a significant role in advancing our fundamental understanding of the universe, generating creative breakthroughs that lead to technologies with positive benefit, creating opportunities for economic growth in the state, and changing the trajectory of young people through education.

UF Research is committed to facilitating the research and scholarship successes of our faculty and students by creating effective collisions between researchers and funding opportunities, marketing our research capabilities to collaborators and funding agencies, and forging institutional relationships with external stakeholders.

Research By The Numbers

$1.25 billion
Research Expenditures
$12 billion
Investment in Incubator Companies
Florida Jobs from UF-Licensed Companies

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