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Search query: KiNG

1171 articles match your search "KiNG"

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A new method using a high-sensitivity X-ray camera for a large-range diffraction pattern is presented; it confirms the effectiveness of over 35 years of conservation treatment for brass artefacts from the Mary Rose.

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An in situ corner bending test under a high thermal gradient is followed by both computed tomography and thermography. Experimental procedure, image processing and preliminary conclusion are presented.

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An accurate and efficient method for model- and form-free inversion of a polydisperse small-angle scattering system is presented. It supports an arbitrary number of model parameters and both 1D and 2D intensity observations.

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The crystal structure of cis-[MoO2(acac)2] has been redetermined at 100 K, providing a more precise description of the structure including hydrogen atoms and inter­molecular contacts.

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The 2.1 Å resolution structure of a king cobra PLA2 was determined by molecular replacement from a perfectly hemihedrally twinned crystal and compared with the structure of a homologous PLA2 from the same venom.

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In situ diffraction contrast tomography has been deployed at the Psiché beamline of Soleil. The evolution of lattice rotation in a 2000 grain region of a titanium sample under tension is studied.

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Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is performed to analyse the microstructural state of a reference CuCrZr material with carefully controlled heat treatments, small-scale manufacturing mock-ups of assemblies and high-heat-flux-exposed mock-ups. The work demonstrates that SANS can be used for millimetre-scale analysis of small engineering components with minimal surface preparation.

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The crystal structure of a homochiral P-stereogenic bis­phosphine has been determined and compared with its previously reported bis­phosphine oxide analogue.

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A non-toxic acidic phospholipase A2 from the venom of O. hannah (king cobra) has been crystallized and X-ray data have been collected and reduced to 2.1 Å resolution. Analysis by molecular replacement showed there to be six enzyme molecules per asymmetric unit.
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