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D4 Network


D4 – Diagnostics, Drugs, Devices and Discovery has a focus on medical and veterinary care and the incubation of new point-of-care technology solutions. Medical and veterinary care comprises three bootstrapped elements comprising

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment, and
  • Monitoring of disease status

The interdisciplinary nature, commercial/industrial sector emphasis and strong academic underpinning of bioengineering, pharmaceutical science and drug discovery, rests comfortably within the D4 network, which emphasizes scientific excellence, interdisciplinarity, entrepreneurship and external engagement such as with MedTech CORE and the Consortium of Medical Device Technology.

D4 Activities 2017

  • Professor Kinam Park

Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Professor of Pharmaceutics, Purdue University; Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Controlled Release

24 November, School of Pharmacy

  • Solid State Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Sciences - Workshop

Associate Professor Clare Strachan (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Professor Thomas Rades (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

15 December 2017, 9 am – 4 pm, School of Pharmacy Room 713, Adams Building

Workshop Details [PDF]

The course is of particular importance for any postgraduate student working in drug development or delivery or wanting to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry and researchers who would like to learn more about solid state analysis.

  • 3D Printing for bone and periodontal regeneration: Challenges and opportunities

Seminar and Workshop details [PDF]

Professor Saso Ivanovski, Griffith University, Queensland Australia.

Friday 25th August

Professor Ivanovski is the research lead in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine at the Menzies Health Institute Queensland

Tissue engineering is a multi-disciplinary field which aims to incorporate aspects of cell and molecular biology and material science in order to regenerate lost or damaged tissues and organs. A variety of tissue engineering approaches have been proposed for alveolar bone and periodontal regeneration, involving a combination of different cell types, bio-scaffolds and biologically active molecules. This lecture will discuss novel bone tissue engineering approaches using 3D bioprinting and biofunctionalization of scaffolds with growth factors and drugs. The feasibility of combining these approaches with established surgical techniques will be explored, and their potential for clinical utilisation will be critically evaluated.

  • Synapse 2017 - in Collaboration with Chiasma

Announcement [PDF]

Friday 15th September, Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

Postgraduate Oral poster session followed by presentations from local scientists translating their research as well as local Biotech companies.

  • We are looking forward to our next D4 conference in November 2018

D4 Summer studentship 2017

The D4 network is offering funding for one summer research studentship relating to aspects of either Diagnostics, Drug discovery, Devices or Drug Delivery in the field of human or animal health.

Applications are due 20 September 2017. [Summer studentships]

D4 Conference 2016

The D4 conference 2016 was held at Forsyth Barr Stadium, 23-24 November 2016

Registration and abstract submission is now closed.

International Speakers:

Erol Harvey, Minifab - Micro-Engineered Products

Paul Hatton, University of Sheffield - Biomaterials Science

Mark Smythe, Protagonist Therapeutics - Oral Peptide Therapeutics

Second Announcement (PDF 143 KB) 11th July 2016

Thank you to all our sponsors as well as the delegates for a great two days.

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