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Questions tagged [españa]

Preguntas sobre regionalismos y otras particularidades del español que se habla en España // Questions about regionalisms and other peculiarities of the Spanish spoken in Spain.

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When giving 30 days notice for a rental contract in Spain, is the expression "el proximo dia" correct

I live in Spain and have a rental contract. I would like to give notice. I need to give 30 days notice. Assume I want to leave the apartment on 30 April. I will give notice on 31 March. This is the ...
napsebefya's user avatar
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In simple terms, how do you pronounce the S in Spain?

I am aware that the Iberian pronunciation of S is different from the Latin American one – it is sometimes likened to the English “sh” – but I do not know how to pronounce it myself.
Sleek's user avatar
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Pronunciation spelling in "Ejpaña"

I know of no phonological process in any dialect that, before a bilabial plosive, converts/accommodates the interdental fricative in the velar larynx. Therefore, I would like to know what the spelling ...
GJC's user avatar
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¿Existen diferencias sonoras entre la “b” y la “v” en España? [duplicate]

Algunos amigos de Puerto Rico me dicen que cuando estuvieron en Valencia (España), escucharon que mucha gente hablaba diferenciando la “b” y “v”. ¿Es verdad?. ¿Existe alguna region que hable ...
Bella's user avatar
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Conjugation for historical, legal, and literary texts?

I was using an online verb conjugator, and I can see that some conjugations are reserved for historical, legal, and literary texts. At the moment, my Spanish is too basic to have come across these in ...
securityauditor's user avatar
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Using infinitives like comer

I was told that using just the infinitive comer means to eat. However, does this fact change when using the indicative, subjunctive, or imperative? I am not referring to making any changes to the verb ...
securityauditor's user avatar
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¿Qué significa en Argentina que una persona sea piedra?

Existe una canción de una banda argentina (Él mató a un policía motorizado) que se llama Amigo Piedra. He tratado de encontrarle sentido a la letra pero no entiendo qué significa que una persona sea &...
Jair MG's user avatar
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Understanding the Spanish verb tense chart

I lived in Spain for five years, however I only learnt Spanish by copying sentences as opposed to learning all of the grammatical rules from a book. I also had to memorise all of the Los Tiempos ...
questioner's user avatar
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No se escucha muy claramente

Necesito ayuda con -2:02 a -1:57. Creo que dice algo como "Esa justicia de la puerta seguir investigando y a poder resolvar 400 casos de robados que..." pero no tiene mucho sentido. Parece ...
K Man's user avatar
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Can "x" pronounced as "s" and "sc" pronounced as "c" in Spanish Spanish?

Listening to Spaniards, what I sometimes hear is that they pronounce: "exacto" as "esacto" o "ejsacto", "fascinante" as "facinante", "excepción&...
musialmi's user avatar
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¿Existe una versión femenina para la expresión "estar de rodríguez"?

La definición de la expresión estar de rodríguez, ya tratada aquí y usada solo en España, es la siguiente: m. coloq. Hombre casado que se queda trabajando mientras su familia está fuera, normalmente ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Spanish idiom for "I was afraid you would say/do that"

Is there a better translation for "I was afraid you would say/do that," than "Tenía miedo de que dijeras eso", to express resignation or acceptance of an event? "I'm sorry, ...
Ron Trunk's user avatar
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Origen de "lo mismo" como "quizá"

La palabra mismo se usa para decir "idéntico", "exactamente igual", y para enfatizar lo dicho previamente en expresiones como "yo mismo", "hoy mismo", "...
Charlie's user avatar
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What is the literal translation of "te toca a ti"?

I have seen that it means "it is your turn". But is it supposed to mean something like "I touch to you"? What does "te toca" conjugate from anyway?
RockingGirl06's user avatar
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¿De dónde viene la palabra "mesingo"?

En el Diccionario de la lengua de la RAE se recoge desde 1925 hasta la actualidad la palabra mesingo como: adj. Sal. Débil, delicado. adj. Sal. melindroso. ¿Cuál es el origen de esta palabra, ...
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