
Issue 233: GenAI can’t build your engineering team

Welcome to ISSUE #233 of The Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams. This week: How customer feedback shaped OverflowAI, how to stop scrolling when you should be working, and how to hack your score in ’24.

From the blog

A peek behind the curtain with Stack Overflow’s sales engineers

In this episode, Alexa Montelibano and Tiago Torre, sales engineers at Stack Overflow, take you behind the scenes to show how customer feedback shapes our products, including OverflowAI. Alexa and Tiago have been working with clients to explore the three features of OverflowAI—Enhanced Search, an Auto-answer App for Slack and Microsoft Teams, and an IDE extension.

Generative AI Is Not Going To Build Your Engineering Team For You

It’s easy to generate code, but not so easy to generate good code.

This startup uses a team of AI agents to write and review their pull requests

In this episode we chat with Saumil Patel, co-founder and CEO of Squire AI. The company uses an agentic workflow to automatically review your code, write your pull requests, and even review and provide opinions on other people’s PRs. Different AI systems with specific capabilities work together as a mixture of experts, following a chain of thought approach to provide recommendations on security, code quality, error handling, performance, scalability, and more.

Amazon Q Developer is available in your favorite IDE

Did you know that Amazon Q Developer has the highest reported code acceptance rates in the industry for assistants that perform multi-line code suggestions? You can also chat, debug code, and add tests right from IDEs like VS Code, IntelliJ, and more.

Interesting questions

How do I stop wasting time on Reddit at work?

“Not me on Stack Exchange answering this question when I am meant to be working...”

What is the meaning of the phrase “sometimes the bar eats you” in The Big Lebowski?

It’s a Western thing.

Can someone explain the damage distribution on this aircraft that flew through a hailstorm?

“Jet engines eat hail for lunch.”

Is there a phrase like "etymologically related" but for food?

Yes, chef!

Links from around the web

10 Years of Vue: the past and the future

Vue.js is 10 years old!

TC39 advances key proposals

TC39, the group responsible for developing and maintaining the ECMAScript programming language specification (also known as JavaScript), just moved some exciting proposals forward.

How to hack your Google Lighthouse scores in 2024

Is the perfect Lighthouse score the right way to judge a website's performance?

Diffractive chocolate

You can use chocolate, of all things, to demonstrate how light diffraction works.

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