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689 Discussions
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Optimizing GraphQL Queries for Better Performance in Large-Scale Applications

GraphQL offers powerful querying capabilities, but optimizing queries becomes crucial as applications scale. What strategies and best practices can developers employ to enhance the performance of ...

Mohammad Buzdar's user avatar
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Is there a free alternative to Postman?

Testfully used to be an alternative to Postman but recently they have discontinued the free version, and the desktop app now requires a $200/yr license. Is there a free alternative to Postman/...

Mohammad Buzdar's user avatar
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Why my Post has been Deleted???

I post a question a few days back, and to my surprise, it has been deleted by some M--. I don't know who the ...

M--'s user avatar
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No Composer.lock file present

I'm having trouble generating the composer.lock file. I have downloaded the zip from the Laravel version 10 github repository and when I use the command composer install and composer update I get ...

user25812356's user avatar
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Is it possible to enforce azure rights management by group

Is it possible to enforce? Azure rights management by group. Here is the output from chat gpt that addresses that, but. The modern interface does not show these options. It seems you are looking to ...

billnyeguy's user avatar
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Tried to run corepack enable in vs code terminal

Shows error:- Internal Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\pnpm' Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\pnpm' Can any one help me out ...

Shlok Bhargude's user avatar
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Are there any benchmarks or performance comparisons between Python with the new JIT enabled and Python without the JIT?

Python 3.13 brings a new experimental JIT. I would have assumed this feature would have triggered a rush of interest in performance comparisons and benchmarks, however I have not been able to find any ...

FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
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How can the Flask framework be used to build an application which maintains large quantities of state?

I am trying to write a http/rest-api wrapper around some internal process state and ran into a problem when I realized I have only used Flask to write stateless web applications before and currently I ...

FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
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Azure Threat Intelligence Indicators API nextLink is pulling no data

I have a script which will query the threat intelligence indicators within Azure Sentinel. However, the API is limited to only pull the first 100 results so i've added a query to look for "...

Will's user avatar
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Securely Accessing Authentication API in Tauri/Next.js without Exposing .env Secrets

I'm building a desktop application with Next.js and Tauri and need to securely authenticate users without storing API keys directly in a .env file, as this seems particularly risky in a bundled Tauri ...

zhuxs's user avatar
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Issue with

I am trying to query to get a list of indicators stored. However, when i make the query i get a 200 status code but the response body is as ...

Will's user avatar
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Qt QModel view use QSortFilterProxyModel fucntion is so slow

this is my first time add question ,and i am sorry ,i am not good at English. i use Qt Model view with QSortFilterProxyModel QListView with checkbox and name ,only one column QStandardItemModel ...

user25799454's user avatar
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AWS Fargate pricing calculator

The AWS pricing calculator for Fargate has an input field named "average duration"s - is that the average duration per task? There is another input field named "Number of tasks or pods&...

Caldazar's user avatar
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Should you test all your project every time a push is made?

Disclaimer : I know almost nothing about DevOps and have been tasked with implementing CI/CD for this project. My question may be unclear and lacking in detail, so any guidance is appreciated. Please, ...

Kolobo's user avatar
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How *NOT* to make C into a different language.

In a comment by a member, it is mentioned: ... You are also basically inventing your own preprocessor-based syntax, which no tools are prepared to understand. C is at it's best when it is written as ...

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