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Questions tagged [self-study]

A routine exercise designed to test one's knowledge; often from a textbook, course, or test used for a class or self-study. This community's policy is to "provide helpful hints" for such questions rather than complete answers.

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Have I constructed the Neyman-orthogonal score correctly?

I am trying to construct a Neyman-orthogonal score for the Poisson m-estimator, using section 2.2 of Chernozhukov et al. (2018). Have I done this correctly? If so, can somebody please help me show/...
Nick Green's user avatar
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Rao-Blackwell Theorem

I'm having problems on understanding the Rao-Blackwell theorem. In particular I don't understand why the resulting estimator is the one with minimum variance between ALL unbiased estimators of the ...
Onofrio Olivieri's user avatar
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No Existence of Efficient estimator

I need to prove that given $(X_1,...,X_n)$ from the density $$\frac{1}{\theta}x^{\frac{1}{\theta}-1}1_{(0,1)}$$ no efficient estimator exists for $g(\theta)$=$\frac{1}{{\theta}+1}$. I have shown that ...
Onofrio Olivieri's user avatar
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Equivalence of $\sum_{i=1}^3 \sum_{j=1}^3 k_j Cov[y_i, x_j]$ and $\sum_{i=1}^3 k_j\sum_{j=1}^3 Cov[y_i, x_j]$ [duplicate]

We define two correlated random variables $Y_i$ and $X_j$ and say we have this sample, $Y_i:\{y_1,y_2,y_3\}$ and $X_j:\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}$ for the convenience of illustration. I want to calculate $Cov[\...
Roger Jia's user avatar
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Question on ARCH effect Test

I try to conduct ARCH effect test. I have a time series (Global price of Brent crude oil) which follows AR(3). First of all, I estimate AR(3) model for the Oil price. $$Y_t = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 Y_{t-...
1190's user avatar
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With $X$ and $Y$ being two independent $\text{Bernoulli(1/3)}$ rvs, show whether $U = |Y-X|,~V = X+Y$ are independent or not

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two independent $\text{Bernoulli(1/3)}$ random variables. Define random variables $U$ and $V$ as $$U = |Y-X|, \hspace{5mm} V = X+Y$$ Are $U$ and $V$ independent? I am new to the ...
Samar's user avatar
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Methods for Detecting outliers in a time series

I have a question on detecting the outliers in a time series like PPI, CPI, inflation,...etc.) Which method should I use? How can I precisely detect these outliers in a test or a method? Please ...
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derivative of Logistic Regression with sigmoid func [duplicate]

I am having difficulty figuring out, why I get different answer from the professor. we are tasked with finding the deriative of the logistic regression cost function with the sigmoid function: $$L(w│D)...
Ofek nourian's user avatar
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derivative of Logistic Regression (sigmoid) [closed]

I am having difficulty figuring out, why I get different answer from the professor. we are tasked with finding the deriative of the logistic regression cost function with the sigmoid function: $$ L(w│...
Ofek nourian's user avatar
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How to derive GEE from GLM?

I am now reading the lecture note from: Why do we have $V_{i}^{-1}(y_{i}-\mu_{i})$? I cannot link the last equation on page ...
doraemon's user avatar
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Probability of leaving with $20

You play a game with a coin. You may place a bet; if Heads is flipped then you receive your bet back plus the same in winnings. If Tails is flipped then you lose your bet. You have 20 dollars and you ...
Yuna's user avatar
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Rough answer for the maximum of absolute value of $n$ standard gaussians (Computer Age Statistical Inference Problem 1.3)

I am working through "Computer Age Statistical Inference" as a self-study and am stuck on the follow exercise (1.3): The details of equation 1.6 are unimportant for the exercise, so far as ...
naveace's user avatar
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Is it true that R(k+1, n+1) < R(k, n)?

Is the following statement correct or not: The probability of having at least k+1 successes in n+1 trials is less than the probability of having at least k successes in n trials. That is, is it true ...
user413516's user avatar
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Question on decomposition plot (seasonality)

I cannot really understand the presence of seasonality by looking at the decomposition plots. Therefore, I attach two decomposition plots. Is there any seasonality in the series? First one is CPI ...
1190's user avatar
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UPDATED: Very unstable model and mostly insignificant variables in fixed effects regression model

I have been trying to create a regression model for my master thesis for the last week and I am stuck with the following issue. Currently seeking any help I can get, so greatful for any input you ...
DataScience-Student's user avatar

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