
Register to get everything you need to get started on your workstation 

  • Distribution installation on Windows, MacOS, or Linux
  • Easily search and install thousands of data science, machine learning, and AI packages
  • Manage packages and environments from a desktop application or work from the command line
  • Deploy across hardware and software platforms

Use of Anaconda’s Offerings at an organization of more than 200 employees requires a Business or Enterprise license. See Pricing 

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Manage Trusted Packages and Environments with Ease

Spend more time developing and less time managing package updates and dependencies

Open source icon

Open Source

Access the open-source software you need for projects in any field, from data visualization to robotics.

User friendly icon


With our intuitive platform, you can easily search and install packages and create, load, and switch between environments.

Trusted icon


Our securely hosted packages and artifacts are methodically tested and regularly updated.

Discover More

Millions of developers and data scientists research, innovate, and discover using Anaconda Distribution

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Over 8,000 open-source data science and machine learning packages, Anaconda-built and compiled for all major operating systems and architectures.

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Open-source package and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Install, run, and update packages and their dependencies.


Desktop application lets you easily manage integrated applications, packages, and environments without using the command line.

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Cloud Environment Backup

Connect Anaconda Navigator to our community portal, Anaconda Cloud, to securely store your local environments in the cloud.

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Powered by the most recommended and trusted open-source packages

Data Exploration icon
Data Exploration and Transformation
  • NumPy
  • pandas
  • Jupyter
  • Intake
  • Dask
Visualization icon
  • Matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Bokeh
  • HoloViews
AI Machine learning icon
AI and Machine Learning
  • scikit-learn
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • PyTorch
  • XGBoost
Natural language icon
Natural Language Processing
  • NLTK
  • Gensim
  • Transformers
  • spaCy
GUI icon
GUI and Front-End Development
  • Flask
  • CherryPy
  • Streamlit
  • Panel
R Packages
  • ggplot2
  • dplyr
  • tidyr
  • readr

And thousands more…

Get Started Today

Search and install thousands of packages and access community content and support

Students and Academics

Quickly get started with a no-cost, easy-to-use Python package and environment manager for educational and research use.

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Practitioners and Hobbyists

Navigate unique challenges with a robust open-source package repository and toolkit supported with technical documentation and content from our community on Anaconda.cloud.

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