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AbstractSearches the patent abstract text
AggregationA calculation but usually used to refer specificly to Elastic / Scholarly search index.
AngularClient side application framework
Application DateThe date when the application was filed
ApplicantsIndividual(s) or entities that submit a patent application to a patent office.
Attested CollectionAn attested collection is an institutional collection to which an institution has formally attested to having an affiliation with the works in that collection.
Author Affiliation NameThe author's affiliated institution and address
Author Display NameThe author's full name (first name, middle name/initial, last name)
Author First NameThe author's first name
Author Last NameThe author's last name
BackboneLegacy client side application framework
bambiCodebase that contains the server component of our “frontend”. Serves web pages and apis that proxy to backend search indexes. Also contains middleware such as Collections and Authentication
Chemical Substance NameName of the chemical substance. Substance reflects the chemical field listed in PubMed records
Citation IdThe external identifier(s) for cited scholarly works (DOI, PubMed ID, PubMed Central ID or Microsoft Aacademic ID)
Citation IdThe external identifier(s) for cited scholarly works (DOI, PubMed ID, PubMed Central ID or Microsoft Aacademic ID)
Cited By Patent CountNumber of patents documents citing a patent (Forward patent citations)
Cited by Scholarly WorksIndicates if the scholarly work has been cited by a another scholarly work at least once.
CitesThe numeric Lens ID of a scholalry work cited in the reference list of other scholarly works.
Cites Patent Pub KeyPatent documents citing US_7128866_B1
Citing PatentsNumber of individual patents that incorporate the scholarly works in your results list. Patents in this set can often be a variety of patent document types for example: Granted patents, Patent Application and so on.
Clinical Trial RegistryThe clinical trial registry
Commercial InstitutionAny legally incorporated entities, including corporations, LLCs and LLPs, whose principal purpose is to make money; including publishers, innovative businesses, investors, law firms, consultancies, or contract research organizations.
Conference DateThe date of the conference
Conference InstanceThe conference instance or edition
Conference LocationThe location of the conference
Conference NameThe name of the conference
Conference YearThe year the conference was held
Continuation in partApplicant modifies some claims, names, or content in a patent application, they will be entitled to file a continuation in part application but will not be able to keep the filing date of the original application unless they petition.
CPC ClassificationsCooperative patent classification codes
Custom AnalysisA set of custom visualisations based on a single search/collection
D3Data visualisation library
DashboardA set of pre-configured / saved visualisations
Date PublishedDate of publication
DocDBDocDB or INPADOCDB (INternational PAtent DOCumentation DataBase) is the main Patent database of the EPO (European Patent Office). The International Patent Documentation Center file contains bibliographic and family data or patent documents and utility models of more than 100 patent-issuing organisations, including the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). In addition, the legal status data of 77 patent issuing organisations. Patent Citations from 31 countries are also available.
Divisional applicationA patent may protect only a single inventive concept. Further inventive concepts using the same specification may be divided out into new applications (‘divisional’ applications) which keep the filing date of the original application (the ‘parent’ application)
Earliest Actual Filing DateThe earliest actual filing date is the earliest of (1) The filing date of a non-provisional patent application (2) The filing date of the earliest priority application (3) The PCT Filing (4) Earliest in the chain of continuation filings (divisional, continuing,continuation in part)
Earliest Priority DateThe earliest priority date of the application is the filing date of the earliest patent that disclosed the invention initially. It may include provisional and foreign filing date and is not used as the actual Earliest filing date for the term calculation.
Effective Filing DateThe effective filing date is the earliest of (1) the filing date of a patent or patent application including a claim to the invention, or (2) the filing date of the earliest priority application (i.e., the earliest filed provisional, non-provisional, international, or foreign application) to which a patent or patent application is entitled to a right of priority for the claimed invention.
Extended patent family size
FacetUsually the result of a doc_count aggregation on either search index. e.g. Top 10 Applicants.
Filing DateActual filing date of the patent application
FilterThe additional filtering
Full TextSearches the full text of the patent
Funding CountryThe country of the funding body
Funding OrganisationName of the funding organisation
Has ChemicalIndicates if the scholarly work has an associated chemical substance
Has Clinical TrialIndicates if the scholarly work has clinical trial information
Has FundingIndicates if the scholarly work has funding information
INPADOCINPADOC (International Patent Documentation) is an international patent collection database produced and maintained by the European Patent Office (EPO). The Patent database also provides legal status information for Patents from 44 jurisdictions: AT,AU,BE,BG,BR,CA,CH,CL,CN,CZ,DD,DE,DK,EE,EP,ES,FI,FR,GB,GE,GR,HU,IE,IL,IT,JP,KE,KR,LT,LU,LV,MC,MD,NL,NO,PH,PT,RO,RU,SE,TW,US,UZ,WO. The database contains information relating to the legal status of Patents however is not a legal instrument.
InstitutionThe legal entity subscribing to the Institutional Toolkit or other Lens products.
Institutional AccountThe Lens account type for ITK subscribers. Includes additional and unique features and functionality not available on other user account types, such as larger collection limits, attested collections, collection embeddable widgets, ect.
Institutional Toolkit (ITK)The Institutional Toolkit is a collection of tools and features to help institutional subscribers discover, analyse and navigate innovation knowledge either internally or on the Lens.org platform. Access to the ITK is provided via an institutional account.
Institutional UseInstitutional use is any use of the lens.org platform (core tools and features, ITK, data, etc.) by a legal entity that is incorporated for the public-good and advances the public-good mission of the institution.
Institutional UserInstitutional Users are registered users that are affiliated with an institution that has an ITK subscription, via the institutional account. An institutional user can be added or removed from an institutional account and will have access to the work area items as set by institutional account administrators.
IPCR ClassificationsIPCR patent classification codes
IssueThe journal issue
lens-uiCodebase that contains the client component of our “frontend”. Primarily CSS, HTML, Javascript and static assets.
MeSHMeSH terms are the National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary or subject heading list.
MeSH HeadingMeSH terms are the National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary or medical subject headings assigned to PubMed entries. NB MeSH Headings are case sensitive e.g. Calcium not calcium.
Non Patent CitationThe scholarly work (s) disclosed in patent document by either applicant, examiner, or 3rd parties
Npl Lens Idthe open persistent identifiers of the works cited in patents
Open Access ColourThe Open Access colour category
Open Access ColourThe Open Access colour category
Open Access Colour: BronzeFree to read on the pulisher page, but without a clearly identifiable license
Open Access Colour: GoldPublished in an open-access journal that is indexed by DOAJ
Open Access Colour: GreenToll access to the publisher page, but there is a free copy in a OA repository
Open Access Colour: HybridFree under an open license in a toll-access journal
Open Access LicenseThe Open Access license type
OpenURLThe Lens uses the OpenURL standard in combination with OCLC's WorldCat repository of Library resolvers to implement the OpenURL standard. This implementation of OpenURL passes the metadata for a scholarly work along to the WorldCat registry, which uses the IP address of the user to redirect the request to the user's institution OpenURL resolver. Depending on the institution's subscriptions and access to services, the resolver will provide the user access to the available version(s) of the scholarly work which the institution has access.
PCT ApplicationA PCT application is filed to obtain patent protection in multiple jurisdictions through the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The application subsequently enters the national/regional phase to each designated jurisdiction.
Priority ApplicationPriority applications can be present when (1) an applicant seeks protection for the same invention in multiple jurisdictions (including international treaty applications) (2) an applicant seeks protection for a difference invention that builds upon their previous inventions or (3) a combination of the previous two.
Priority DateThe date of an earlier patent application containing a disclosure of the invention (earliest date on which an applicant may claim priority).
Priority Numbers The application number(s) of the priority document(s) (in respect to which priority is claimed).
Publication TypeDescribes the type of publication or document that is retrieved.
Publication TypePublication Type (eg. Journal Article, Conference Proceedings, Book, etc.)
Publication Type: book
Publication Type: book chapterA Book Chapter correponds to a discrete section/chapter or excerpt from a Book or Monograph. Books or Monographs are often authored by disparate groups of scholars or individuals therefore they represent distinct research-based knowledge ona specific topic.
Publication Type: journal articleA Journal article is commonly a document published subsequent to some form of research activity.As a written form, the journal article is often a product of an editorial process to validate the reliability of data, methods and conclusions recorded in the publication and typically focuses upon presenting the method(s), proceedures and results from an investigation into a highly specific aspect or area of science and engineering. A journal is the most ubiquitious form of communicating research and investigation and can often be referred to via other terms such as:Peer-Reviewed Article, Scientific Literature or Scholarly Research Article.
Publication Type: unknownWhile Unknown publication types designate science-related publication and documents. An Unknown publication type is both a way to identify works or documents that have been appended to the underlying Lens data pool as a result of web text mining. Unknown document types represent a novel data set due to their proximity to science as a non-uniform dataset. Documents in this set can be Newsletters, Abstracts, Speech Transcripts, Press Releases,Lab Protocols, Product Descriptions etc.
Public-Good InstitutionAny legally incorporated entity whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, civil society and non-profits.
Query StringThe boolean or keyword query typed into the search input box (optional)
Reference countThe number of works in the reference list of a scholarly work
Reference TextThe the original text string in the references
Referenced By Patent Lens IdScholarly works that are cited by a given patent(s).
Referenced By Patent Lens Id NumScholarly works that are cited by a given patent(s). Uses the numeric value of Lens ID (see https://support.lens.org/help-resources/basic-help/the-lens-id/)
Relevance[Describe how Relevance is determined]
Sequence TypeThe type of sequence e.g. N - nucleotide, P - peptide
Source Asjc CodeThe All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) code
Source CountryThe publisher's country
Source IssnThe International Standard Serial Number of the source publication, without hyphenation
Source PublisherThe publisher of the source publication
SpringWeb server framework
SubjectSubject is derived from journals descriptions in Crossref metadata based on the Science Journal Classification Codes
Term ExtensionFor patents regarding pharmaceuticals, food products, medical devices, or procedures, for which a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval is required, the term of these patents is usually extended to compensate for the delayed processing time.
US ClassificationsUS patent classification codes
US Patent Terminal DisclaimerA terminal disclaimer is a process by which a patent’s term is shortened because it duplicates the claims of another patent which expires sooner. Lens only provides a flag if the patents is subjected to terminal disclaimer.
VolumeThe journal volume
Year PublishedYear of publication