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  3. Patent Classification Search

Patent Classification Search

The lens has enabled exploration based on patent classification system that allows one to search either by a keyword or by classification code in any of the three patent classification systems; Cooperative patent classification (CPC, 201802 version), International Patent Classification (IPC, 20180101 version) and The United States Patent Classification (USPC, 201502 version). Using classification search, user can browse the varied codes the search term represents and have an option to select the most relevant code or combine various codes in search to formulate a more complex query.


Classification Explorer

You can always start your new classification search by clicking on the “Classification Explorer” menu available on the drop-down next to search button on new Patent search page. This will lead to a pop-up where you can explore patent classification.

New Patent Search Page

On New Patent search page, you can simply perform a structured search if you know the patent classification code or browse hierarchy of classifications and the verbose descriptions for each classification.

How to use

Classification text viewer

Here, you can search within the full text of classification definitions and notes to find the appropriate classification code that encompass your query terms.  Once you select the code(s),you can start a new patent search or filter the Lens documents by this code to view the relevant set of documents and even zoom in to view the patent portfolio, read the abstract, or explore its full text, and view the other knowledge artifacts about this specific patent document. In most cases, you can also download the original PDF file for your own use.

The Lens does not index documents on their section (‘A, B, or H’), class (‘A01 or H01’) or subclass (‘A61K, or H01M’) levels, but only at the group level (e.g. H01M10/00).   Moreover, we do not index documents based on their parent groups, but only on the group/s that they are directly filed in. So, when you search for documents in ‘H02K1/00’, The Lens only returns documents filed directly in that group. It does not include any patents filed in subgroups of H02K1/00. 

Structured search using a field of classification codes

If you know what classification code you are after, you can simply perform a structured search.  The main advantage of this approach is that here you can refine your search results further by other facets including other classification codes or keywords. However, you cannot use wildcards here.

Here you can try searching with a wildcard (*): class_cpc.symbol:H02K1* https://www.lens.org/lens/search?n=10&q=class_cpc.symbol%3AH02K1*

If you need to use forward slash ‘/’ in your queries you must escape them with a backslash ‘\’ : class_cpc.symbol:H02K1\/0* https://www.lens.org/lens/search?n=10&q=class_cpc.symbol%3AH02K1%5C%2F0*&p=0

Updated on May 29, 2023
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