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As a guest auditor you can attend lectures at Freiberg University withour being enrolled on a degree programme. It is suitable for anyone who wants to expand or deepen his/her general and/or special knowledge, during or after the professional career. 

Auditors can choose from a wide selection of courses, which you find in the university course catalogue. If you want to attend a language course please get in contact with the language centre before it starts.

The applicant should submit his application at the admission's office at least one month after the start of the summer or winter semester (30 April / 30 October).

You do not require any particular qualification for the registration as a guest auditor. However, there may apply restrictions in attending courses with limited capacity.

The following rules apply for guest auditors:

  • guest auditors will not be enrolled as students
  • guest audition is subject to a fee
  • the participation in exams is subject to a fee
  • by request of the guest auditor: achievements on some courses can be certified (arrangement with the lecturer)
  • you cannot obtain a university degree


The applicant should submit the application form for guest auditorship to the admissions office no later than one month after the start of the summer or winter semester (April 30th or October 31st).

There are no admission requirements for participating in studies as a guest auditor; however, participation restrictions may be implemented based on available educational capacities. The following applies to guest auditors:

  • Guest auditors are not enrolled as regular students.
  • Guest auditors are subject to tuition fees.
  • Participation in examinations is subject to fees.
  • Upon request, participation in courses can be certified for the guest auditor.
  • A university degree cannot be obtained.

Note: The translations provided are general equivalents and may vary depending on the context.

Application for guest auditors

advice and contact
