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Services for Researchers

How Does the Funding Reach the Research?

Freiburg Research Services support researchers of the University of Freiburg regarding all questions of research funding. Amongst the support of established researchers and the advising and qualifying of doctoral candidates and postdocs, we also assist students planning stays abroad.

The Freiburg funding portal allows researchers of the University of Freiburg to search online for current calls for applications and funding opportunities. The professional database currently includes more than 1000 national and international funding programs.

The Research Management Department (FOMA) offers scientists of the Faculty of Medicine a contact point for fundamental research issues. In addition to providing advice on research and career development, the Research Management Department provides information on intramural and national support and funding opportunities, assists research networks in the application process, and contributes to the structural development of the research priorities and academic personnel development.

The Center for Technology Transfer (ZfT) is the connecting link between the University Medical Center and the University of Freiburg on the one hand and the private sector on the other. The ZfT supports and supervises the utilization of research findings made at the University Medical Center and the University of Freiburg. For businesses, the ZfT is the point of contact for all forms of cooperation with the university and for the utilization of research findings. Its spectrum of services ranges from contract research, patents, and licenses to support for start-ups.

In 1996 the University of Freiburg set up a research database which was used initially by the University Medical Center. Since 1997 the database has been used to document and present the research activities of the entire university. The Freiburg Research Database allows recent research reports to be accessed directly on the Internet. In 1999 the Freiburg Bibliographic Directory was integrated into the research database, and in 2007 the content of the directory was assimilated into the category „Who is Who“ on the university homepage.

On page Freidok plusyou can publish publications (including research data) and search for them. However, the development of FreiDok plus into a comprehensive research documentation system as well as an open access publication platform goes further. Information on publications of all kinds, persons, institutions, projects and research activities can be linked to each other in order to map the entire Freiburg research landscape for all to see. FreiDok plus will replace the previous research database in 2020.

The Third-Party Funding Department takes care of administrative matters for University of Freiburg researchers receiving project-based third-party funding up until completion of the project.
