Welcome, Networking and Q&A Meeting

Next meeting & greeting session in late September 2024

We recommend that all new PhaNuSpo doctoral students attend the Welcome Session within the first few months and we also invite the whole PhaNuSpo community to attend.

This is a great opportunity to get to know your peers and fellow students, student representatives and PI members of the PhaNuSpo community. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Please register below to help us plan this event.

  • We provide an insight into the milestones and formalities of your PhD programme and life. Find out about DocSchool activities, PhaNuSpo travel grants and completion grants, support services and what to do if you encounter difficulties.
  • Following this we will have a Q&A session. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about the public presentation (FÖP), ECTS requirements, student-supervisor expectations, the doctoral thesis agreement or any other topics.
  • Join us afterwards for an informal get-together. Drinks and snacks are provided by the DocSchool.

NB: We plan to hold a welcome and Q&A session every 2nd month.

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Photos of participants may be taken at this event and published in form of short event review on the PhaNuSpo homepage and/or in required reporting documents to the rectorate (later includes the data provided above). In case you do not agree please inform us via email: vds.phanupso@univie.ac.at.

In compliance with the legal requirements (GDPR/DSGVO) and the privacy policy of the University of Vienna, I hereby declare that I am informed and fully aware of my rights as a data subject (right to information/right to rectification/right to erasure, etc.) pursuant to Articles 12-21 of the GDPR.

I declare that I give my consent freely and that I am also informed that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time informally with future effect and with no negative consequences, by contacting vds.phanuspo@univie.ac.at.
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Information sessions of the Center of Doctoral Studies

In addition, the Centre for Doctoral Studies offers information sessions (overview of doctoral education at the University of Vienna) and topic specific sessions (on admission in a nutshell, funding possibilities in a nutshell, and on organising entry and residence permit). Registration is not required.