Tribal Leaders and Programs

Tribal Leaders and Programs

ACF and ECD works closely with the tribes to identify obstacles to collaboration and systems improvement, and to help them develop and carry out strategies that are in line with tribal community values, traditions, and priorities.  

Discover targeted resources to support early childhood mental health and social and emotional well-being in tribes and tribal communities. 

Resources for Tribal Leaders and Programs

Policy and Guidance

Resources and Issue Briefs

  • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation in Tribal Nations :  This web page was created to support programs, local governments and Tribal Nations in creating better services and systems for their infants, toddler and young children and their families through an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program. Supported by SAMHSA. 
  • Tribal Early Childhood Webinars on Mental Health : Addressing Mental Health Among Children, Staff, and Families in Tribal Early Childhood Programs, and Promoting Equity and Celebrating Resilience in Tribal Early Childhood Program (Part 2), are webinar recordings that were featured as part of the Tribal Early Childhood Webinar Series, hosted by ACF’s Office of Early Childhood Development. 
  • Trauma-Informed and Responsive Care  (PDF) (PDF): This resource outlines to support Tribal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Administrators with embedding trauma-informed and responsive care practices in their early childhood education programs.

Learn more about ECD’s Tribal Early Childhood programs and initiatives.