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Justification to urgently end the high-risk child begging culture of the almajiri system of Northern Nigeria

Funom Theophilus Makama
Funom Esther Makama
Peter Maitalata Waziri


Recent study showed that three out of every six boys sent into the almajiri system in Northern
Nigeria die. One more is lost and about two survive. This puts Nigeria in a precarious situation in
respect to child mortality and since nothing can be done about this, despite previous notable attempts from Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, it is paramount that
this system of Qur’anic education of little boys be stopped urgently. Systematic approaches have
been recommended such as bettering the welfare of the vulnerable rural mothers who give birth to these boys, and the improvement of other sociopolitical factors that affect their livelihoods. The study recommends the reintroduction of the well-organized pre-colonial Islamiyya system of Qur’anic education instead of the Almajiri one, which exposes these vulnerable boys not just to begging, but also to diseases, physical trauma, harsh weather, hunger, trafficking and even becoming the pool for the recruitment of hooligans, political thuggery and terrorism.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3324
print ISSN: 2672-5142