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Assessment of the impact of level of environmental awareness on public health services in Mandera West Sub- County, Mandera County, Kenya

Abdllahi Maalim Alio
Issac Abuga


Environmental awareness plays a pivotal role in sustainable development and public health improvement globally. This study examines the impact of environmental awareness on public health services in Mandera West Sub-County, Mandera County, Kenya. The research underscores the relationship between heightened environmental awareness and enhanced public health outcomes, revealing that communities with greater environmental consciousness exhibit better waste management practices, reduced exposure to pollutants, and lower
incidences of waterborne diseases. In Mandera West, the harsh climatic conditions, coupled with inadequate infrastructure and limited access to clean water, exacerbate public health challenges. Despite efforts by governmental and non-governmental organizations, the region continues to face high rates of waterborne diseases and poor sanitation. This study identifies a significant gap in the integration of environmental awareness into public health strategies. Utilizing a mixed methodology approach, the research incorporated both quantitative and
qualitative methods, involving 141 participants from various levels of the Mandera Sub-County departments of Environment, Energy, Climate Change, Natural Resources, Water Safety, and Public Health. The findings highlight the critical need for enhanced environmental education and awareness programs to improve public health services. The study advocates for targeted educational initiatives and public awareness campaigns to foster a culture of environmental responsibility among stakeholders. By addressing the root causes of health issues through increased environmental awareness, this research provides actionable insights for policymakers, health practitioners, and educators to develop interventions that enhance both environmental and public health outcomes in Mandera West Sub-County. The study contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating the importance of environmental education in achieving sustainable public health improvements.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3324
print ISSN: 2672-5142