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In November 2023, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) for a co-innovation program laid the foundation for a professional network of start-ups from Singapore with renowned scientists from Charité and BIH to promote joint research and transfer projects. Charité/BIH and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) have jointly established a program to promote innovation, which was launched in March 2024 in the form of a funding program. Start-ups from Singapore had the opportunity to apply to ESG for a collaboration with Charité until April 2024. The funded projects can include R&D activities, clinical studies in all phases, pilot studies and validation studies. Further information on the program can be found on this page.

As part of this cooperation, 8 start-ups have applied with their innovative solutions in various areas for a cooperation with Charité. 8 interested Charité/BIH researchers can now join forces with a start-up until 30.05.2024 to apply for funding for the project in the second project phase together with a "full proposal" (until September 2024). 

The list of start-ups with their specialist focus and the innovative technologies they offer can be found on this website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by May 15, 2024 at the latest if these start-ups arouse your interest (contact person: Hana Hastor). We will be happy to help with further information as well as organize and accompany necessary meetings and exchanges. In addition, we will then use predefined processes in BIH and Charité to ensure that the desired and fully funded project can be carried out. 
