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Mo – Fr von 14 – 16 Uhr


0521.106 7360 oder 0521.106 7352
(Mo – Fr von 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr)


Why offering a future day for boys?

Boys have diverse interests and competences. Nevertheless their vocational choice and life planning often takes place within the framework of a traditional spectrum. More than half of the male trainees choose one out of twenty typically male apprenticeship jobs in the dual system – among these is not a single profession from the social, educational or health-care field. It is precisely in these fields that men are clearly underrepresented. But at the same time specialised male personnel and male reference persons in these occupational areas would be highly desired for our society, and due to the demographic development there is a distinct need for junior employees.

Hence, every 4. thursday of April, facilities, organizations, schools and universities as well as companies throughout Germany invite pupils from the 5th grade upwards to the Boys'Day – Future Prospects for Boys. On this day, boys learn more about service occupations in the sector of education, social affairs, health-care or other occupations where men are underrepresented. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to join activities in the fields of life planning and social competences.

Thus suggestions and perspectives that open up novel options for their professional and private life, are offered to boys and young men.

What kinds of activities are offered to the boys?

  • Taster days, for example in daycare centers, kindergarten, facilities for senior citizens and institutions for handicapped persons
  • Trial internships, for example as a medical assistant
  • Internships for one day, as a hairdresser, florist or office administrator
  • Learning more about study programs, for example health sciences or social pedagogic in universities, which have a relatively small percentage of male students so far
  • Workshops, trainings and information events organised by employment agencies, local authorities, in schools or companies
  • Special offers for boys, for example going around the household course special offers in schools, youth centers and multi-generation housing projects.

How can facilities, organisations, schools or companies get involved?

They can enter their offers for free on the Boys'Day-Radar – a nationwide map of special activities. Interested boys, parents and teachers use the platform to establish contacts.

Boys'Day – Future Prospects for boys offers new opportunities for the future

  • Boys will learn – in a practical oriented way – more about a multitude of previously unknown professions they have not taken into consideration yet, for example professions in the social or health-care field, and are able to experience directly the practical aspects of professions.
  • Schools offer attractive activities on vocational orientation and life planning, designed as exciting class components.
  • Teachers establish contacts with social and youth facilities, with universities and companies, in order to create interesting cooperations.
  • Facilities, organisations and companies access on the Boys'Day through activities for boys new resources and create more diversity among their personnel. They demonstrate social commitment and reach the general public to a high extent.
  • Projects and initiatives involved in extra-curricular social work with young people and boys increase their level of awareness through their commitment to the Boys'Day and attract new partners.
  • Parents have the important opportunity on the Boys'Day to share and accompany processes of vocational orientation and to communicate together with their sons the boys’ future plans
  • Girls: In parallel to the Boys’Day, the nationwide Girls'Day – Future Prospects for Girls, is being organised for girls of grades 5 – 10. Information and registration at
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