Digitalisation for companies

Digitalisation is a major empowering factor for the economy as a whole. Without digitalisation, the economy would come to a standstill. A business that does not offer a highly performing digital infrastructure will be left behind. The aim is to improve existing framework conditions in order to enable digital innovation and technology transfer. 

Digitalization is the key to a sustainable economy. In order for Austria and especially the domestic business location to be fit for the future, it is necessary for our digitalisation ecosystem to be systematically set up and driven forward in order to avoid economic disruptions and ensure that performance is maintained. The Digital Action Plan Austria  defines measures and implementation projects that will ensure the successful transformation of the economy. It focuses on the strategic goals of supporting companies in their digital transformation and making Austria a leading digital and innovation location. 

The primary goal is to improve existing framework conditions in order to foster digital innovation and technology transfer.

As in the private sector, the trend in business in Austria is moving from e-government to m-government.Via the Republic of Austria's online platform and the "Digitales Amt" app, entrepreneurs can access information on their digital devices regardless of time and place and complete digital official procedures with ID Austria.Once registered via, many other administrative services can be accessed via single sign-on, such as the company service portal or FinanzOnline.

The Digital Business Service  ("Unternehmensserviceportal" - USP)

The Unternehmenssserviceportal ( is the central information and service platform of the Austrian administration for the economy. As a "one-stop store", it offers companies in Austria a central point of access to company-relevant information: numerous e-government applications and services are provided in one place using single sign-on. With just one login, over 90 online administration services are conveniently available. 

Electronic start-up as a modern digital end-to-end process

Future entrepreneurs benefit from free electronic start-up, or e-start-up for short. The USP - Startup Area was developed for first steps towards self-employment and information about start-ups. Currently, e-start-up is offered for the establishment of sole proprietorships, one-person limited liability companies and one-person FlexKapGs. The foundation process, with the exception of the banking procedure, can be carried out conveniently online at USP using ID Austria. 

Electronic document delivery in "My inbox"

With the electronic document delivery service "eZustellung", businesses and private individuals receive official letters quickly, securely and digitally in the "MeinPostkorb" application. Businesses can use "Mein Postkorb" in the USP, while citizens can access it at or via the "Digitales Amt" app. There is no need to go to the post office, as RSa and RSb letters can also be handled digitally. 

Find out more at Digital Austria: Electronic document delivery service.

Information in German is avaliable on Elektronische Zustellung.

Power of representation with the power of attorney service

The power of attorney service enables a quick and uncomplicated transfer of power of representation via ID Austria. A power of attorney allows a legal or natural person to act on behalf of others and represent them in dealings with the authorities. 

Currently, representation in dealings with authorities is only possible if the respective online procedure technically supports the power of attorney function.

Registration with ID Austria is mandatory for the power of attorney service. The power of attorney is confirmed in the online power of attorney service application of the sourcePIN register authority. 

Find out more at Digital Austria: Power of Attorney Service.

Further information about the power of attorney service is available in German on Vollmachten-Service.

Further information about the SourcePIN register authority is available in German on Stammzahlenregisterbehörde.

Prizes and awards

The State Prize for Digitalisation is awarded to pioneering projects in six categories and thus supports the visibility of Austrian companies. 

The success of electronic start-ups has also been recognized in recent years. In 2018, the "Electronic company formation for sole proprietorships" was honored with the eAward. At the 17th e-government competition in 2018, the "electronic start-up" project won third place in the "Best digitalization project" category. For further information in German go to award ceremonies on Digital Austria.

Additional information
