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  • Illustration basierend auf anatomischen Färbungen
    Illustration basierend auf anatomischen Färbungen

    How fish can hear in stereo

    Charité researchers solve the puzzle of directional hearing underwater.

  • Antidepressiva © Charité | Romy Greiner
    Antidepressiva © Charité | Romy Greiner

    Withdrawing from antidepressants?

    A Charité study gives the most thorough answer to date as to how common discontinuation symptoms are.

  • Reconstruction neuronal network © Charité | Sabine Grosser
    Reconstruction neuronal network © Charité | Sabine Grosser

    Directed, not in loops

    Surprisingly, thoughts in the human neocortex flow in one direction, as a Charité study in Science now shows.

    That’s extra efficient.
  • Forschung an der Charité © Charité | Arne Sattler
    Forschung an der Charité © Charité | Arne Sattler

    Top placement

    Charité is one of the top 30 medical schools worldwide. It is ranked first in Germany.

  • © Charité | Arne Sattler
    © Charité | Arne Sattler
  • © Charité | Wiebke Peitz
    © Charité | Wiebke Peitz


    Researchers and doctors

    ... work at Charité

    Would you like to work at Charité?

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Eine Charité-Forscherin in weißem Kittel, blauen Schutzhandschuhen und Gesichtsschutz entnimmt eine Probe aus einem kastenförmigen Behälter.
© Charité | Arne Sattler

Innovative capacity and responsible governance, for the benefit of patients and society – these are the central tenets behind all of Charité research endeavors.

At Charité, approximately 5,700 researchers are actively engaged in the development of pioneering innovations in the field of medicine. Committed to the highest standards of quality and sustainability, they work across 1,000 projects, working groups and collaborative projects.

There is a particular focus on the interface between basic and patient-oriented research, which seeks to foster interdisciplinary collaborations with both national and international partners. Harnessing the potential of this approach is of particular importance to Charité given that the most significant scientific developments are likely to arise from interdisciplinary cooperation. 

Research at Charité

In addition to promoting its six main areas of research focus, Charité is also supporting areas which boast particular expertise and innovative potential.

Research Support Services

Charité offers a comprehensive range of services for researchers, which cover a range of issues, from research funding and technology platforms to centralized service facilities and project management.


Given the increasing complexity of today’s research questions, research successes and new developments are likely to arise primarily as a result of interdisciplinary and/or international collaborations. Charité pursues a wide range of cooperative projects, in particular those promoting the mutual exchange of findings from basic biomedical research, clinical research and clinical application. While committed to both national and international research, and growing its reputation on both the national and international stage, Charité remains true to its roots. Charité is very much the heart of Berlin-based health care research as well as its driving force.
