This cyber-range platform, integrated to the TELECOM Nancy cyber-security programs, enables the building, deployment and experimentation of realistic and complex IT infrastructures for simulating and analyzing different attack and defense scenarios. It is composed of three rooms: two training rooms (blue defensive room, red offensive room) interconnected to a server room hosting DIATEAM HNS cyber-range servers. Co-financed by the Grand Est PACTE regional project, it supports academic and professional trainings in the Grand Est region, and contributes to both the European H2020 Concordia Cyber-Security Competence Network and to the Military Cyber-Security Regional Branch of Nancy. TELECOM Nancy is the School of Engineering in Computer Science of the Lorraine INP Collegium at the University of Lorraine, France. Member of the Mines-Telecom Institute association, TELECOM Nancy is a public engineering school, working at the very heart of IT and digital sciences, and including a specialized major on cyber-security.

TELECOM Nancy, Lorraine INP, University of Lorraine

Nancy, France

Provided Services

Education of Students
Training of Professionals
Cyber Defense Exercises
Cybersecurity Research
Testing of

The cyber-range platform provides a support for both training and experimentation activities, in particular in link with scientists and professors from our research laboratories (LORIA, INRIA,, CRAN, IECL, CNRS, High Security Laboratory), as well as many professionals working in computer science and its application domains and intervening at our engineering school.

Cooperation models

The cyber-range platform is open for cooperation in research, education and with industry, on a case-by-case manner.


Cloud-based (private cloud)
Cloud-based (public cloud)

The cyber-range platform relies on HNS (Hybrid Network Simulation) servers, developed by the DIATEAM company. The servers are based on the HYNESIM software layer and exploit the KVM virtualization technology. The solution is called hybrid, as the virtualized topologies can be easily interconnected to other physical networking platforms (for testing and experimentation purposes). More information can be found on:

Content Management and Development

The cyber-range platform provides a graphical interface for creating and editing topologies, as well as import/export functionalities (KVM virtual machines).
